Okay, I confess. I've been hanging around
Gut Rumbles because I got hooked on Rob Smith's daily vitriol and I'm fascinated by his little blog family. The regs are mostly a bunch of redneck redstaters and the "wimmen" who love Rob, but they're interesting and they're not usually hostile. He also has a remarkable following in the greater blogosphere. Various bloggerati show up in comments now and again.
I guess I shouldn't say remarkable because it's not surprising. Rob's a really good writer and his candor is humbling. I mostly want to slap some sense into his shit-talking head when he posts on politics, but when he talks about life, he often makes me want to cry. It keeps me going back.
Anyway Rob's checked into rehab for the next six weeks so he's got a bunch of his wimmen favs guest posting. Juliette, aka Baldilocks, the darling of the right wing echo chamber, is one of them and she picks up Michelle Malkin's
award winning meme of the day.
She posts this in response to the candlelight vigils that are being organized to commemorate the reaching of the the latest Iraq "milestone," one the Bushtopians would rather forget.
The 2000th military fatality in Operation Iraqi Freedom occurred today.
The left: Let's get this party started! Oh those poor, poor soldiers who died for nothing but oil and the Jews!
The right: God rest all of you and may your sacrifice not be in vain.
Let me parse that for you from the reality-based side of the fence.
The left: 2,000 soldiers dead for an failed military strategy that we were against from the beginning. Let's hold candlelight vigils to honor and mourn the dead. Let's get visible to show our government we don't want another soldier to die for nothing good.
The right: 2,000 dead - what should we do? I know, let's all pile on with petty mockery against those Quakers for organizing an event that honors the dead. Can't have those weirdo religious types who believe in peace, lawfully assembling and exercising their constitutional right to ask their president to end an illegal war.
But don't worry troops, we support your fight for our freedoms while we're sniping at our fellow Americans for using theirs to bring attention to your plight. You have to keep dying until Bush can declare a victory because if you don't, well - you know - we might have to admit we were wrong and were bamboozled into supporting a failed mission by a spoiled trust fund brat who never held a real job in his life and only cares about his own political hide.
But we're right behind you, that is as long as we don't have to actually go there and fight ourselves or - you know - sacrifice anything.
I try to live and let live when it comes to political disagreements but this particular spin is so devoid of humanity, that I can't ignore it. The Bushtopians have never looked so bitter and self-absorbed as they have today.
I mean really, if they support the troops so bloody much, shouldn't
they be organizing some kind of commemoration for the sacrifice those 2,000 soldiers made? It's a milestone, no matter which side of the war you're on.
I had something to say to Cox and Forkham as well, at the DetNews blog.