Sunday, August 28, 2005

Third parties - more is better

My DD has a really good post up on third parties and fusion voting. He makes some great points but I don't agree that continuing to consolidate government representation into only two parties accomplishes anything. It leaves the power concentrated in too few hands with no incentive to compromise for the overall public good. Everything becomes a power play where the prize becomes capturing and keeping control, rather than puzzling out public policy that works to advance common goals.

The old saw about power corrupting absolutely was invented for a reason and our current political system is a prime exemplar. The only way to break the Republicrat stranglehold on our government is to break up the monopoly they hold on the process. I can't think of a better way than to take an axe to their platforms and splinter their base by forming not just a third party, but a fourth and a fifth. It worked for Finland. It could work for us.

[Cross posted at Pennywit]
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