The GOP are apparently so desperate to hang onto their seats that they're trying to bamboozle the voters into believing Iran presents a immediate threat to our safety. The obvious goal is to get public opinion behind yet another ill-advised, pre-emptive strke against yet another nation that isn't even close to presenting a credible danger, in time to save the election for them. Sadly, this repeat of the Iraq flim-flam, if carried to the level of a preemptive strike, would endanger much more so than some completley theorectical act of aggression by Iran in the dim future. The truly awful thing is, these politicians care so much more about their political future than our safety, they would further incite an already violatile situation in the Middle East, simply to justify an unneccessary act of aggression in an attempt to stay in power.
Iran is admittedly a problem but one that can surely wait for another two years, at which time we might have a president who is more likely to act on careful research and analysis instead of reacting to his "gut feelings." Certainly, it would be more prudent to deal with the powder keg of Iran by dampening it with diplomacy, rather than by throwing a match on it with a nuclear bomb.
Meanwhile, just how stupid does the GOP think we are?
This latest call for "more dire" intelligence on Iran is a play by play repeat of the manipulation of the CIA's work in the run-up to Iraq. Do they think we forgot that every ethical intelligence agent quit or was run out while the White House built what we now know was their false case against Saddam? If the GOP are planning to make bombing Iran their October surprise, they may well find the surprise is on them. It's unlikely the voters will endorse the architects of yet another politically driven, unneccessary pre-emptive act of aggression that is certain to make the Middle East a bigger killing field and a larger terrorist training ground, at the ballot box.
A fool may be born every minute, but I have a feeling, that this time, the American people won't get fooled again.