This is why I quit reading Kos a long, long time ago. I won't even link to him here anymore unless some other diarist has put up something really compelling, that's not available somewhere else. I can't link to him at the Detroit News at all because he has zero credibility with middle America. You've heard of Godin's law on the blogs? In the real world, Kos's law will immediately negate any debate.
It's a shame, because at one time I thought he did have the answer. Unfortunately, he's not the first one to succumb to the temptations of power. Instead of building a political machine to take back the system, as soon as he gained some creds with the machine politicians, he built his own personal echo chamber. The sad part is he thinks he's such a winner. I don't think he realizes what a loser he's become. He's become Leftopia's LaShawn Barber with his forty three freaking rules for posting and all these banning sprees have not won any hearts and minds outside of his incestous fan club.
Worse, he's become a liar, or least delusional, if he thinks anyone outside of his ass kissing groupies believes he banned Chris Floyd on a technicality and not because Floyd was dissing the Democrats for being such wusses on Hayden's nomination.
Even more pathetic are the comments, which were at close to 200 when I just checked. Except for a few adults who addressed the substance of the diary, they were largely made by apparent pre-teens whose idea of intelligent discussion is self-absorbed snarky asides to each other about nothing. Oh and a guest appearance by the Mouth of Markos, the mighty Armando who weighs in with the astounding astute, "Chris who?" Like he didn't have time to check it out? Much too important a Koss insider for that I guess. I don't know how these guys fit their heads through a doorway.
Kos is no longer a community of activists. All too many of the people of value to the party have left in disgust over one incident or another, or an aggregation of all of them. What Kos has got right now is a glorified chat room, a kool klub for kids to play at being politirati. But what does Kos care? He's all about winning and he's making money on the raw numbers.
And I don't know what's more frightening, the Kossacks' firm belief that they are going to "save" the Democratic Party or that the DNC is buying the fiction. These kids chatting in the diaries, within their little social groups based on some bizarre pecking order, probably never make to the polls to vote. God knows, Kos has yet deliver a real win for his chosen candidates. I said it over a year ago and I've seen nothing to change my mind. If they continue to hitch their star to his wagon, the chaos that is now known as Kos, is going to destroy the Dems for good.
As far as I'm concerned, Kos is no longer part of the solution, it's part of the problem.