Wednesday, September 09, 2009

Hero's Welcome for Iraqi Shoe Thrower

This is the feel good story of the day. The Iraqi journalist who threw his shoes at George Bush is about to be released from prison and a hero's welcome awaits him. They're literally showering him with gifts and sweets for his bold act against the man many in the Middle East saw as their oppressor. Here's just some of them:
A new four-bedroom home has been built by his former boss. A new car – and the promise of many more – awaits. Pledges of harems, money and healthcare are pouring in to his employers, the al-Baghdadia television channel. "One Iraqi who lived in Morocco called to offer to send his daughter to be Muntazer's wife," said editor Abdul Hamid al-Saij. "Another called from Saudi offering $10m for his shoes, and another called from Morocco offering a gold-saddled horse. After the event, we had callers from Palestine and many women asking to marry him, but we didn't take their names.
His brother is already a minor celebrity in Iraq just for being related to him, with people stopping him on the street asking for autographs and what not. Meanwhile, Muntazer doesn't plan to go back to journalism, guessing correctly that his famous act will overshadow his work. He says he will open an orphanage instead.

[More posts daily at The Detroit News]

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