Operation Bush Legacy

The man who emerges is a narcissist with no self-awareness whatsoever. It’s that arrogance that allowed him to tune out even the most calamitous of realities, freeing him to compound them without missing a step. The president who famously couldn’t name a single mistake of his presidency at a press conference in 2004 still can’t.Yeah, it's lonely at the top, but no worries. The preznit hasn't been entirely abandoned. The eager to please AP assigned a resident fluffer to help polish the story line. Apparently we're to believe that behind the bumbling, self-absorbed, sociopathic good ole boy facade, our wannabe messiah is really a smart and engaged leader. That is as long as you arrive on time when summoned, adhere to the dress code and don't trouble his beautiful mind with any complicated details.
He can, however, blame everyone else. ...
Gah. I don't know anyone outside of the AP can swallow that much crap without choking.
[More posts daily at The Detroit News.]
That was a great column by Rich. But, frankly, I had forgotten Bush was still president and hated to be reminded.
I'd like to forget. It won't feel like the new year to me until he's gone.
Your faithful mudsquiggly has been warning about this for months:
Bush intends to finish as he began ... with attacks against any critic, smears against any opponent, denials of any fact, and falsifications of any record. He intends to spin his own legacy to the bitter end.
Barcode countdown resumes.
Hell, and I've lost my barcode scanner.
I hope I don't sound evil, I wouldn't want to offend my new internet friend Grace, but I sure would like to see Obama's justice Dept. investigate the hell out of Bush and Cheney. If nothing else for the rude act of not allowing the Obama's to stay in Blair House until inauguration day.
Plenty of bigger reasons to investigate those two besides bad manners.
Is it just me or does it look like Jesus is about to whack him in the back of the head?
I hadn't noticed Fogg, but I think you're right.
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