Just because you're not doing anything wrong

Steve Benen already posted what needs to be said so I'll just reiterate that this is what political activists have been talking about in the fights against FISA, NSLs and the Patriot Act. It's a short slide down that slippery slope from 'national security' to illegal, civil rights violating surveillance.
[More posts daily at The Detroit News.]
Labels: domestic surveillance, police state
Millions of Americans are regularly hurt by adverse (& incorrect) data without their knowledge in employment decisions in hiring, retaining and promoting. This is done with the tacit support of government entities protecting “investigative” systems and records. As an individual you will not be able to obtain any records, FOIA and PA requests notwithstanding. However, if you’re a corporation or business entity as defined in tier 1 or 2 of federal acquisition regulations, you should be able to obtain a “suitability” finding in minutes. – A Do Not Work (Non-suitable) List. It is kind of like a “NO FLY” list except for the number of suicides. – shock n’ awe - Govt and Corp Attorneys working in partnership
There is big money in selling insecurity services. Might this be a tipping point?
To me, the scariest thing is how comfortable the public is with this.
Anon, I've heard of that list. Troubling.
Fogg, that's the part that scared me the most too. People don't seem to understand how dangerous it is to allow them to make these lists without any oversight.
It's because we've been trained to be cowards. We're terrified of peanuts, pedophiles, Vaccines Flouride and the loss of our precious bodily fluids. We're afraid of our own freedom.
We in the sense of being them, the idiots who buy into the fear.
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