Friday, April 07, 2006

Morality tales

I'm barely surviving this time change. I fell asleep sitting up last night while I was flipping through the stations to see what was on dumb TV. I woke up 20 minutes later with remote in my hand and went to bed. So bear with me for one more night of quick hits. I need sleep badly.

Unsurprisingly, Bush and the GOP's numbers are down.

Not entirely unexpectedly, Bush admits he authorized the NIE leaks but of course our imperial president is taking his usual position. I posted my thoughts on that in Detroit with An imperial president can do no wrong...

Quote of the day on this goes to Scottie McLellan.
“There is a difference between providing declassified information to the public when it’s in the public interest and leaking classified information that involved sensitive national intelligence regarding our security,” he said.
Got it. Leaks are only allowed if they make the White House look good and it's not illegal to lie unless you're under oath. In the old days, these thugs would have been tarred and feathered and driven out of town by now.

This is unbelievable. I'll have more to say on it tomorrow.
DeLay sends in his pit bulls to attack old ladies at Democrat's political rally

One for the no comfort zone. Al Gonzales informs us
warrantless wiretaps are not just for foreign calls anymore

News from my new home state.
North Carolina guy confronts Bush in Charlotte appearance
. Bush is apparently getting so desperate to "connect to the people" he allowed an unscripted Q & A. His answers were typically incomprehensible.
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Anonymous Anonymous said...

You lefties resent any opposing views -politcal or religious, and seem oversensitive to morality of a christian nature. Does Forgiveness have any place in your world.

Did Bill Clinton posing with Chelsie walking out of a Baptist church holding an oversized King James seem authentic to you.

12:36:00 AM  

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