Monday, April 03, 2006

Welcome to Dystopia

It doesn't get any more Orwellian than this:
After electronic warfare, the US war planners turn their attention to psychological operations: “Military forces must be better prepared to use psyops in support of military operations.” The State Department, which carries out US diplomatic functions, is known to be worried that the rise of such operations could undermine American diplomacy if uncovered by foreign states. Other examples of information war listed in the report include the creation of “Truth Squads” to provide public information when negative publicity, such as the Abu Ghraib torture scandal, hits US operations, and the establishment of “Humanitarian Road Shows”, which will talk up American support for democracy and freedom.
No thought police but then again, if they also have the capability to completely shut down all communications in an entire country, they can control the dialogue.

And they scoffed when I warned them in 04 that this administration was hell bent on creating a police state. If they can do it to them, they can do it us.
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