Thursday, April 06, 2006

Criminally incompetent

The time change is killing me. I'm trying to get to bed early tonight so here's the quick links.

Under the heading Yankee stay home, Jaafari is not amused by Condi's visit.

You've got to be joking. The McKinney kerfluffle is out of control. A grand jury? Don't these people have real crimes to prosecute?

More pretend campaign reform. What they should do is eliminate private funding. Go to publicly funded campaigns and bar all political ads until six weeks before the election -- period.

This is hysterical.Rummy vs. Rice. Rummy's gone on the road to refute Condi's slip of the tongue, saying it's a mistake to say he made "thousands of mistakes" in Iraq.

What climate disruption? Did you see any climate disruption? Not if Bush has anything to do with it.
Scientists doing climate research for the federal government say the Bush administration has made it hard for them to speak forthrightly to the public about global warming. The result, the researchers say, is a danger that Americans are not getting the full story on how the climate is changing.

These scientists -- working nationwide in research centers in such places as Princeton, N.J., and Boulder, Colo. -- say they are required to clear all media requests with administration officials, something they did not have to do until the summer of 2004. Before then, point climate researchers -- unlike staff members in the Justice or State departments, which have long-standing policies restricting access to reporters -- were relatively free to discuss their findings without strict agency oversight.
You know I was issuing nearly hysterical warnings by the time the 04 elections rolled around that they would do exactly this sort of thing without a reelection to worry about. They didn't waste any time getting started and so far it's been worse than I ever imagined.
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