Tuesday, April 04, 2006

Delay, ready for the Judgement Day

All right, tell the truth. Am I the only one that did the happy dance when they heard DeLay was going down?

I've been working all day so I'm just starting to cruise the news but I have a feeling this will be the quote of the day.
House Majority Leader John Boehner, R-Ohio said DeLay “understood that it was becoming a referendum on him, instead of on the ideas between the two parties, and I think he did a very honorable thing by stepping aside.”
Right. Honorable. The Bugman wouldn't know honorable if it bit him in the ass. I'm sure it had nothing to do with this. Every major player in the corruption scandal is connected to him and they're all rolling as fast as they can. No honor among these thieves. If DeLay is quitting now, you know he thinks he's going to be indicted.

Oh wait, I was wrong -- this is the quote of the day.
DeLay:My main point was that this country was built on morals and religion. Our greatest leaders were very strong believers. There is a connection between religion and politics, and religion and government. There has to be for this country to have accomplished all it's accomplished and for its future. How many times have the great leaders—Ronald Reagan, Roosevelt, Lincoln, George Washington—have said there is a connection between morals and religion. And there has to be. The people that go to church understand that a country has to be based on some sort of religion and fear of God because they understand that.
[spews drink on keyboard] This apparently is his new plan. He feels "very good" and "very free" to spread the gospel. He's going to work for the conservative religious domination of government from the outside, by preaching his morals to the fundies. Emphasis on fund. Somehow I doubt he's going to be doing it for free.
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Blogger Kathy said...

Yep, I did a little dance when I heard the Hammer got hammered too.

I saw him on the news last night and got a different perspective on why he left. He wants to give another Republican the chance to fill his seat (which he knows he'll lose because of his corrupt ways) and keep it out of the hands of those vile Democrats. I embellished that a little bit, but that's the jist of it!

7:41:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Looks like you're the only one willing to confess on the happy dance Kathy.

Surely DeLay knows he doesn't have a prayer but I read his "selfless sacrifice" as he doesn't take the blame when the GOP loses Texas.

5:24:00 PM  

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