Sunday, April 02, 2006

The new and improv Preznit

You gotta love this. Bush in an effort to improve his tanking approval ratings is resurrecting his "I'm just an average Jake" persona on his latest ass saving PR tour.
Call it the let-Bush-be-Bush strategy. The result is a looser president, less serious at times, even at times when humor might seem out of place. Aides used to dread such settings, worried about gaffes or the way Bush might come across in spontaneous exchanges. But with his poll numbers somewhere south of the border, they concluded that Bush handles back-and-forth better than he once did -- and that they have little left to lose.
Well they can say that again. Guess Rove is too busy on the fund raising circuit to take time out to coach him anymore and what they care. He's not up for re-election.

Anybody care to make a wager as to how long it will take him to make a major faux-pax without a script?
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