Sunday, May 06, 2007

Help Wanted, Please!

Stephan Hadley, National Security Adviser, is still looking for a "War Czar".

A team of West Wing players led by national security adviser Stephen Hadley has tried to keep turf-conscious agencies marching in the same direction on military, political and reconstruction fronts. A few Bush aides say privately, however,that the White House probably should have recruited someone to oversee the war effort a year ago.
A year ago? How about four years ago.

Hadley said he wants to make sure that if any request from the war zone bogs down among agencies, there is someone who can speak for the president to get it solved quickly.

Nobody wants this crummy job. All the rats that were drooling over "shock and awe" have already jumped from this ship. They didn't like it much when shock and awe became "oh, shit!"

What they still need is a "Presidential Czar", someone to keep Bush's thought processes working right. Someone who'll help him remember his cabinet secretaries' names.

"The problem is not broad strategy and policy, it's that the bureaucracy is so inefficient and there's been so little follow-up that the machine doesn't work," former House Speaker Newt Gingrich said.
Damn Newt, that was a polite way to describe a train wreck. The problem is not broad strategy? The problem is NO strategy!

The problem they're having is finding any good man who still agrees with Bush.

Jim Martin


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Blogger Capt. Fogg said...

For a president who has bragged about his special place in history as a "war president" it seems a bit funny to have his handlers out looking for someone to do his job for him. Of course this is the guy in the passenger seat who acted like he just made a carrier landing all by himself. He's needed some sort of Prince Regent to do his job for him all his life.

We didn't actually elect this bozo and now to have him foist an appointed "Czar" on the military to keep the Generals on doctrine is scary. The term Czar itself is enough to make me wonder if Bush is even pretending that this was supposed to be a Republic any more.

Of course nobody wants the job of taking the blame - and maybe the fall, for Bush's bungling. Whatever Bush needs, we need a President.

3:39:00 PM  
Blogger Jim Martin said...

True all true. In a job where where you should proudly say "The buck stops here". In the Bush White House it doesn't even visit.

4:38:00 PM  

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