Friday, May 04, 2007

What's that spell?

By Libby

What's the difference between a teenage cheerleading squad's site and the latest PJ Media offshoot? As Glenn Greenwald points out, outside of the fact that Bill Frist approves of their message, and real cheerleaders actually risk their physical safety in performing their work -- not much.

Yes folks, there's yet another splinter PJ group daring to embrace humiliating lack of interest. Hot on the heels of the failed Victory Caucus, Bill Frist has joined with several prominent PJers who have unveiled a brand new cheerleading for victory site. I just can't bring myself to link to it, but you can get the links to We Win - They Lose at Glenn's place.

Oddly, they seem to have avoided mentioning when they started up, but these fine tipsy-point bloggers with a combined readership in the millions has already garnered an impressive 4,500 signatures thanks to the over 200 bloggers who have signed on to promote this effort.

Ironically, if I'm reading the list correctly, Glenn appears to be in their top 20 vote getters, having delivered a whopping 3 signatures. And he's not even signed up. Surely an omen that this effort has gone viral already -- kind of like a STD.

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