End of the 0h0hs
[More posts daily at The Detroit News]
Blogging to the highest common denominator
Lou Dobbs was a respected, middle-of-the-road journalist.Well worth a read in full. The world changed a lot in the 00s and sadly much of it was not for the better.
The prospect of achieving Middle East peace seemed imminent.
Beltway pundits believed Al Gore and George W. Bush were centrists who would govern similarly.
You could meet your loved ones at their arrival gate.
There were more than 2 million Christians living in Iraq.
Osama bin Laden was living with his family in a compound in Kandahar.
China's GDP was $1.4 trillion, half of Germany's.
Labels: politics
Michael Gennaco, an expert in police conduct issues who has conducted internal reviews of Taser use for the Los Angeles County Sheriff's Department and other agencies, said the ruling by the U.S. 9th Circuit Court of Appeals prohibits officers from deploying Tasers in a host of scenarios and largely limits their use to situations in which a person poses an obvious danger.It's not like it's never warranted, but clearly there have been way too many trigger happy cops in the last decade who taser out of mere spite rather than imminent danger. If this holds, maybe we won't be seeing any more tasering of kids, the wheelchair bound, senior citizens and people having health related seizures among other ridiculous uses of the weapon. Holding law enforcement accountable for unneccesary injuries would be a welcome change.
Labels: rule of law
By all appearances, it doesn't matter if the Republican attacks are baseless and ridiculous. It doesn't matter if Republican national security policies failed. It doesn't matter that Republicans are more anxious to denounce the president than they are to denounce terrorism.All good news for the GOP. Always. Not a peep out of the tradmed asking why Republicans hate America and are attacking our President in a time of war. And adding a little context to the GOPers lame retreading of the tired old "soft on terror" meme? Hah. They leave that to the DFH bloggers.
What matters now is what mattered before -- whether GOP voices can create and exploit just enough misguided panic and fear to benefit politically. If they can shout "soft on terror" often enough, and the media overlooks all available evidence, maybe the public won't notice how ridiculous the Republican lies really are.
Republican pollster Neil Newhouse said the attempted attack on Christmas is "a black eye" for the administration. It takes about three seconds of actual thought to realize how absurd this is. Was 9/11 "a black eye" for Bush/Cheney? How about the anthrax attacks? Or Richard Reid? Or the attacks against U.S. allies around the world? And the terrorist attacks against U.S. troops in Iraq and Afghanistan?
Labels: dangerous idiots, Media, Republicans
She called him a creative genius and a committed father to their 11-year-old son, Andrew, but also said he can be fierce and quite intimidating, even when he’s trying not to be.Even more interesting to me, is that Dana Perino is the official Rove family spokesperson. Whatever else her flaws, she is an attractive woman. Would it be irresponsible to speculate that perhaps Turdblossom's GOP family values may have included a little "hiking trip on the Appalachian Trail" with Dana?
“He’s learned to lay back a little bit when he and Andrew play chess,” she told me, “but even in croquet he’d be hitting my ball so far I was crying on vacation.” It isn’t only that he’s always working, she said, but that working for Republicans is the organizing principle of his life, at the center of his world, which he tends to divide into friends and foes. “I told Karl the other day,” she said, ” ‘You see things in black and white. I see lots of gray’.”
Labels: Rove
Lesser, 63, was an early, active supporter who raised $500,000 for Obama, helped run his primary and general election campaigns in western Massachusetts, and served on the campaign's New England Steering Committee.If I hadn't left the firm, I would have been the number two man on that team. Not that it would have gained me an invite, but one of the things I really miss about the firm is being so closely involved in Tom's political campaigning for progressive candidates. Tom is also a really good judge of character. He's an old school kind of guy who's not easily taken in by celebrity. I trust his insights.
"He was incredibly present," said Lesser, describing the quality he said he's seen in every exchange with Obama.And I was even more interested in his assessment of Obama's policies.
Whether expressing his thanks for words of support or letting his wry sense of humor show, Obama focuses on the person he's talking to, Lesser said. "He recognizes you and he remembers you. He's not looking at his watch, or looking around him to see who's next," Lesser said.
"That's a remarkable quality in anyone, but especially a politician. There are some politicians you meet and you get the feeling that there's no one home, or that the persona they're projecting is not who they really are. I've never had that feeling with him."
Despite the beautiful, festive White House setting, Lesser, as reflected in his brief exchange with the president, was keenly aware that Obama is facing intense scrutiny and harsh criticism, some of it from erstwhile supporters. One recent poll showed his approval rating dipping below 50 percent for the first time, and another found that only 33 percent of Americans believe the country is headed in the right direction.I'd submit that last line is the quote that sums up the whole debate that's raging right now among progressives.
Asked about those sliding poll numbers, Lesser suggested taking a longer view.
"We are still at the very beginning of this presidency," he said, and it's still a bit soon to be expressing outrage about what has or hasn't happened.
In today's political climate, "people want things to happen very quickly. I understand that," he said, adding that he has felt that way often himself, especially during the years of anti-war protest in the late 1960s. "I learned that things change slowly, that how we think changes slowly."
The administration faces a crucial test, Lesser said, as the U.S. Senate prepares to vote today on its version of a health care bill. After that, the Senate bill and the bill passed by the House of Representatives will have to be reconciled and finally approved.
Though the Senate bill will offer coverage to millions, it is hardly perfect, Lesser said. It doesn't do enough to contain costs or provide enough in subsidies, he said, but there is no question that failure to win passage would be "very damaging" to Obama's political standing. "It would give the Republicans the feeling they can do whatever they want."
Asked about criticism that Obama gave Congress too much latitude to write the bill and didn't fight hard enough for it, Lesser said his sense was that the administration was trying to avoid the pitfall of the Clinton approach of handing Congress a ready-made bill "and watching it be torn to shreds."
The health care debate has shown once again, Lesser said, the country's deep, bitter partisan divide. "That was something he was trying to stop, and he hasn't been able to do that."
On Afghanistan, Lesser said Obama's decision to send 30,000 more troops is consistent with what he said during the campaign. "No one who listened to him should have been surprised," he said.
That said, Lesser described the challenge there in daunting terms.
"I don't think anyone has ever succeeded in that country," Lesser said. "But I think he thought long and hard about it, and he has a lot more information than I do. I think he believes it would be an absolute disaster there if we just left now."
...Asked if he had any final words for those who are ready to label the Obama presidency a disappointment, Lesser said he would appeal for more time. Paying less attention to pundits - who are often wrong, he pointed out - might also help, he said. And finally, he would urge people to work for candidates who will fight for the measures they support.
"We can't create change by talking about it," he said. "We have to get more votes."
Labels: my life, President Obama
"It's restrictive enough so there will not be any abuses of the drug," Garvey said in an interview Tuesday. "If the medical profession feels patients will benefit ... I see nothing wrong with it." [...]Medmar advocates have been trying for years to get some kind of legislation through but it has always died in committees. Looks like they stand a better chance this time around. "The sheriffs of Berkshire, Nantucket and Suffolk counties also support the bill." That's big, especically the Suffolk sheriff since that's a rather conservative county and law enforcement resistance has been a major factor in defeating previous attempts. If it succeeds this time around, MA will be the 14th state to allow consumers the choice of this herbal remedy. Wishing them luck. There's really no good reason to deny terminally ill patients this choice.
Licensed patients and their primary caregivers would be allowed to keep up to 12 marijuana plants or 4 ounces of smokeable marijuana. The proposed legislation would bar patients from using marijuana in public places or driving under the influence of the drug.
Labels: rule of law, war on drugs
It's been a long time since the legislative system did anything this big, and people have forgotten how awful the victories are. But these are the victories, and if they feel bad to many, they will do good for more. As that comes clearer and clearer, this bill will come to feel more and more like the historic advance it actually is.I hope he's right about that and have some hope that the disappointed lefties will come around and start working together again to make it stronger. In some ways, the hissiness that has taken over the internets in the last few days feels like the stages of breaking up with a lover. I believe that no small part of the anger is simply because people were forced to let go of the notion Obama is some secret 11th dimension chess whiz. He's just the same safe ante poker player he always was.
I've always argued that Obama viewed his central domestic mission as changing the culture and practice of American politics. The passage of health reform is a revelation of just how desperately that change is needed and how difficult it will be to achieve.As I said earlier, it's the process that needs changing. Vesting hope in single players within the system is a recipe for a crashing letdown from the start. Meanwhile, Amanda Marcotte is the latest to weigh in on the intercine blogwars, with a very smart post.
Labels: bloggers, health care, Media, Senate
Labels: health care, President Obama, spin
The problem is that Palin has put the political press in a submissive position, one in which the only information it prints about her comes from prepared statements or from Q&As with friendly interviewers. This isn’t something most politicians get away with, or would be allowed to get away with. But Palin has leveraged her celebrity — her ability to get ratings, the ardor of her fans and the bitterness of her critics — to win a truly unique relationship with the press. She is allowed to shape the public debate without actually engaging in it. [...]Not only pathetic, but dangerous. I've heard all the arguments about how we need to mock the wingnuts to marginalize them, but as far as I can see there comes a point when you're simply spreading their message and de facto empowering them.
At the same time, I think that the media’s indulgence of Palin’s strategy — which often results in pure stenography of press releases that may or may not have been written by her — is ridiculous, bordering on pathetic.
Labels: bloggers, Media, politics, Sarah Palin
I made this point on Twitter yesterday, but it bears repeating. 3x higher costs for senior citizens sounds insane and criminal -- until you present it in the context of the status quo. Without the Senate bill, seniors would be paying 11x more. Additionally, a family of four earning $60,000 will pay around 20 percent of their income to premiums and out of pocket expenses. Insane! Until you put in context of the status quo -- 41 percent of their annual income would go to health insurance without reform.I guess in the end, that's what annoys me about FDL's hysterical approach. Without this context, all their other valid points are diminished and I think it contributes to the whole "unserious dirty hippie" meme that has plagued progressives forever. Not to mention, it smacks of wingnut blog tactics. Granted they're not making stuff up out of the whole cloth, but errors of omission aren't good either. I think they would have been more successful in moving the narrative if they had taken a more balanced and less strident tone. But what do I know? I'm just a B-list blogger.
Labels: Activism, bloggers, Congress, health care, Senate
Labels: Activism, health care
After all, Democrats won big last year, running on a platform that put health reform front and center. In any other advanced democracy this would have given them the mandate and the ability to make major changes. But the need for 60 votes to cut off Senate debate and end a filibuster — a requirement that appears nowhere in the Constitution, but is simply a self-imposed rule — turned what should have been a straightforward piece of legislating into a nail-biter. And it gave a handful of wavering senators extraordinary power to shape the bill.And from MyDD comes this additional factoid.
The political scientist Barbara Sinclair has done the math. In the 1960s, she finds, “extended-debate-related problems” — threatened or actual filibusters — affected only 8 percent of major legislation. By the 1980s, that had risen to 27 percent. But after Democrats retook control of Congress in 2006 and Republicans found themselves in the minority, it soared to 70 percent.
Still it is the unbelievable growth of the lobbying industry that is remarkable. When LBJ was the Senate Majority Leader in 1961 there were under 50 lobbyists. Today there are over 23,000 lobbyists.That would have been a whole lot of healthcare if they used it for benefits instead to protect their profit-gouging scams. But this is the system we have right now, and it's not because the Constitution mandates it. The Senate invented these rules to protect their own cozy little club and the attendant perks they enjoy from membership. In my utopia, the progressives and liberals would all be working in concert to change that instead of hollering at the President and threatening to do the GOP's work for them. Meaning, don't attack the bills, attack the process.
According to the Center for Responsive Politics (CRP), a watchdog agency that tracks the amount of money being spent to influence legislation, a record $263 million had been spent on the lobbying efforts between January and July of this year in our battle for health care reform. By September that number was up to $400 million. It's likely to surpass $500 million when all is said and done coming just ahead of last year's $486 million spent. But yes, that's right one billion dollars has been spent by the various healthcare lobbies over the past two years.
Labels: health care, President Obama, Senate
Labels: Art, entertainment, viral videos
At a hearing concerning domestic partner benefits, Republican Mecklenburg County Commissioner Bill James took a slightly different tact on the issue: referring to gays as if they were vermin. James spoke of the effort to “de-infest” areas where gays “congregate.”And of course like any good ole white boy, he refused to apologize. Betting he goes to church every blessed Sunday to purge his sins, but they don't include hating on teh gays. I wouldn't be surprised to find out he's molesting children either. He so fits the type.
According to witnesses, Democrat Commissioner Vilma Leake gave an impassioned account of her son’s 1993 death to AIDS. After she spoke, James reportedly leaned over to her and asked, “Your son was a homo, really?”
Labels: dangerous idiots, theocrats, Wingnuts
Labels: health care
Labels: climate change
Labels: my life
Labels: health care
Labels: health care, Senate
Labels: economy, Obama administration
Sen. Klobuchar just made a great point on MSNBC- using the logic of those wanting to kill the bill because it isn’t good enough, we would never have passed the Civil Rights Act of 1960 because it didn’t have the reforms of 1964, 68, and 91 included.Via John Cole who's been on fire for the last 36 hours or so. You should scroll around and read all his posts.
Labels: Congress, health care, Senate
Labels: health care
"The e-mails themselves are not what we're getting," Sloan said.Documents related to the handling of e-mail under the Bush administration and subsequent information regarding how White House e-mails are currently archived will be released under a settlement with the Obama administration, which inherited a lawsuit the groups filed in 2007. But the National Archives must sort out which documents are covered by the Freedom of Information Act and which ones fall under the Presidential Records Act - which means they could be withheld for five to 10 years after the Bush administration left office in January, Sloan said. [...]There's some hope the emails could prove "Patrick Fitzgerald never received all the documents he requested during the Plame leak probe" but even if that happens, somehow I doubt we'll ever see Cheney or Rove in an orange jumpsuit. I keep remembering that weird "April Fool's joke" and the subsequent reports that emails had been deleted. Whatever the story behind that was, Rove really did visit the server farm around that time. Still think it's a strong possibility that the damning mail was routed through a dedicated server that has been sitting on the bottom of the ocean for a very long time.
Monday's settlement allows for 94 days of e-mail traffic, scattered between January 2003 to April 2005, to be restored from backup tapes. Of those 94 days, 40 were picked by statistical sample; another 21 days were suggested by the White House; and CREW, and the National Security Archive picked 33 that seemed "historically significant," from the months before the invasion of Iraq to the period when the firings of U.S. attorneys were being planned.
Also requested were several days surrounding the announcement that a criminal investigation was under way into the disclosure of then-CIA agent Valerie Plame Wilson's identity. That investigation led to the conviction of White House aide Lewis "Scooter" Libby on charges of perjury, obstruction of justice and lying to federal agents probing the leak.
Labels: Bush Administration, Bush Crimes, Cheney, Rove
Labels: bloggers
Labels: Linkfest
One opponent, H. K. Edgerton, is threatening to file suit against the city to challenge Mr. Bothwell’s swearing in. “My father was a Baptist minister,” Mr. Edgerton said. “I’m a Christian man. I have problems with people who don’t believe in God.”This provision of course violates the United States Constitution but small matter to these fundie sorts who appear to believe the separation of Church and State only applies to non-Christian religions. Meanwhile, the winning Councilman is taking it in stride. As he notes, this appears to more about sour grapes that a conservative candidate didn't win. The cons in Ashville might want to take a moment to reflect on why that happened instead of tying up the courts with frivolous lawsuits.
Labels: dangerous idiots, theocrats, Wingnuts
Antonio Maria Costa, head of the UN Office on Drugs and Crime, said he has seen evidence that the proceeds of organised crime were "the only liquid investment capital" available to some banks on the brink of collapse last year. He said that a majority of the $352bn (£216bn) of drugs profits was absorbed into the economic system as a result.This is one very big reason they haven't legalized drugs. They know it would destroy the black market profit margins and all that lovely money would dry up. Just as the banksters own our politicians, the gangsters own the banksters. Ironic really that without the outlaws, the white collar criminals would have gone under.
Labels: Corporatocracy, war on drugs
The 1,279-page House bill would create a new federal agency dedicated to consumer protection, establish a council of regulators to police the financial landscape for systemic risks, initiate oversight of the vast derivatives market and give the government power to wind down large, troubled firms whose collapse could endanger the entire financial system. The legislation also would give shareholders an advisory say on executive compensation, increase transparency of credit-ratings agencies and set aside billions of dollars to aid unemployed homeowners.Unsurprisingly no Republicans voted in favor and quite a few Democrats crossed over to join them in opposition. Mostly ConservaDems, but also Kucinich. I assume because he thought it wasn't strong enough. Or maybe because the completely reasonable cram down amendment was stripped from the bill.
"Americans don't choose to be victimized by mysterious fees, changing terms and pages and pages of fine print. And while innovation should be encouraged, risky schemes that threaten our entire economy should not," he said. "We can't afford to let the same phony arguments and bad habits of Washington kill financial reform and leave American consumers and our economy vulnerable to another meltdown."Which reminds me, I seem to be seeing some change in attitude in our president. Lately he seems to be shaking off that "can't we all get along" persona and is much more willing to call the obstructionists out. So there's that. [h/t John Cole]
Labels: Congress, Corporatocracy, Obama administration
Labels: Linkfest
I’m told by the paper’s insiders that her piece was one of the most-read WaPo opinion pieces of the year, coming in 21st in page views out of literally hundreds of opinion articles. An earlier Palin Op ed in the paper on the same topic was the third most read of the year.No Greg. It's not amazing at all. I've been griping about this for years. Sure mocking the stupidity is fun. Snark pulls in the hits to their own sites. But if bloggers, progressives, et. al, really want to marginalize the idiots, the only way to do it is treat them like any other troll on the internets. Freaking ignore them.
A lot of this is probably driven by heavy outside linkage. But still, the fact that Sarah Palin, of all people, is able to command such attention for her views on the science of climate change, of all things, is kind of amazing.
To be clear, I’m not defending the decision to run the piece. I wouldn’t have run it. I’m just pointing out the undeniable fact that the woman’s name gets people clicking. Until people stop clicking, Palin and her views will continue to get attention.
Labels: bloggers, dangerous idiots, Media, Sarah Palin, Wingnuts
Much more importantly, Hoenig appears to be less than impressed with officials’ response to the meltdown. Back in March he gave a speech titled “Too Big Has Failed” sharply criticizing the bailouts (more speeches are published here). While some details have changed since then, the overall picture has not. And while much of it seems unexceptional, it would sound downright revolutionary in the capitol...As Dan notes, the odds do favor Bernanke’s reconfirmation but he's right that it doesn't hurt to be prepared with alternative candidates should the movement to oust him gain any real steam.
Labels: Corporatocracy, Obama administration
Labels: Linkfest
This morning, Gore appeared on MSNBC, where Andrea Mitchell read from Sarah Palin's Facebook page to ask the former vice president questions about climate change.And John Cole tells me that later today, they were reading Sarah's insipid Twitter feed on air. This is our major media going into the next decade. Not exactly screaming reliable news source in my ear.
Labels: Media
The Office of Management and Budget launched the SAVE Award in September, an effort to solicit cost-savings ideas from rank-and-file federal employees. The agency received more than 38,000 submissions from workers, and the White House announced the four finalists Monday. The OMB is still calculating the total potential cost savings from each of the ideas.The four finalists suggest using local banks, consolidating inspections, utilizing on-line resources for appointment setting and allowing vets to take home their unused medications from hospital stays at the VA. Small ideas, that translated over the system could save some big bucks. Apparently you can vote for your favorite at SAVEAward.gov and the winner gets to meet the President. However today is the last day of voting and it's likely all the finalists ideas will be implemented, so the taxpayer wins, no matter what.
Labels: Obama administration, spending
Labels: science
Let me also say this: the promotion of human rights cannot be about exhortation alone. At times, it must be coupled with painstaking diplomacy. I know that engagement with repressive regimes lacks the satisfying purity of indignation. But I also know that sanctions without outreach – and condemnation without discussion – can carry forward a crippling status quo. No repressive regime can move down a new path unless it has the choice of an open door.And I liked this third point a lot. Wish more world leaders would recognize that economic security is an important component of any peace process.
...There is no simple formula here. But we must try as best we can to balance isolation and engagement; pressure and incentives, so that human rights and dignity are advanced over time.
Third, a just peace includes not only civil and political rights – it must encompass economic security and opportunity. For true peace is not just freedom from fear, but freedom from want.I don't think that can be overstated. Looking at history, so much of what drives war seems to be a quest for material goods like land and control of natural resources, in order to ensure economic prosperity for the conquerors. I've always believed we could end wars if those who had more than they need were more willing to share their wealth with those who don't. I'm only sorry that the strategy going forward is still going to be bombs -- not bread. You can watch the video here.
Labels: President Obama, World politics
Labels: Media
* Washington, DC will finally be allowed to implement the medical marijuana initiative that voters overwhelmingly approved in 1998 but has been blocked by Congress each year since then.These are all issues we were fighting for six years ago when I was still very active in the movement. Glad to see some progress towards common sense in the approach to combating drug abuse and allowing sick people to use the natural herbal medicine of their choice.
* Funding for the White House "drug czar's" ad budget has been slashed by more than a third of its size last year. Studies have repeatedly shown that these ads actually cause teens to use more -- not fewer -- drugs.
* Washington, DC will be able to use federal funds to implement syringe exchange programs.
Labels: war on drugs
Averting a recurrence of that awful day does not require the semipermanent occupation and pacification of distant countries like Afghanistan. Rather, it requires that the United States erect and maintain robust defenses.This is the key point that should be the foundation of our whole foreign policy. Too bad, that doesn't seem to be the case.
Labels: military, punditry, World politics
Labels: my life
More than 20 percent of the nation’s water treatment systems have violated key provisions of the Safe Drinking Water Act over the last five years, according to a New York Times analysis of federal data.All these violations were reported to EPA and whatever regulators are appropriately notified and "shockingly" "fewer than 6 percent of the water systems that broke the law were ever fined or punished by state or federal officials."
That law requires communities to deliver safe tap water to local residents. But since 2004, the water provided to more than 49 million people has contained illegal concentrations of chemicals like arsenic or radioactive substances like uranium, as well as dangerous bacteria often found in sewage.
Labels: Bush Administration, environment, Obama administration, science
"The videos that have been released appear to have been edited, in some cases substantially, including the insertion of a substitute voiceover for significant portions of Mr. O'Keefe's and Ms.Giles's comments, which makes it difficult to determine the questions to which ACORN employees are responding," Harshbarger said.Chuck Johnson at LGF excerpts the Politico coverage with more, so you don't have to give them a link.
Labels: rule of law, Wingnuts
SpaceShipTwo will be carried aloft by White Knight Two and released at 50,000 feet. The craft's rocket engine then burns a combination of nitrous oxide and a rubber-based solid fuel to climb more than 65 miles above the Earth's surface.Even more astounding, they already have heavy competition for this new market. "A handful of entrepreneurs including Amazon.com Inc. Chief Executive Jeff Bezos, computer game programmer John Carmack and rocketeer Jeff Greason are building their own suborbital rockets with dreams of flying people out of the atmosphere." I'm betting Branson will be first though. The only sad part is that Steve Fossett didn't live to see it happen. He would have loved it, I think.
After reaching the top of its trajectory, it will fall back into the atmosphere and glide to a landing like a normal airplane. Its descent is controlled by "feathering" its wings to maximize aerodynamic drag.
Virgin Galactic expects to spend more than $400 million for a fleet of five commercial spaceships and launch vehicles.
Labels: science
Labels: bloggers, health care
Labels: bloggers
First was the report that Sprint Nextel provided customer location data over eight million times in the last year. Even taking into account the important caveats raised by Kim Zetter, there clearly is a great deal of data being accessed with no oversight by or reporting to Congress. As seems usual in these cases, we have only the earnest assurances of those involved as guarantee that abuses are not happening.And our friend Hart has been blogging up a storm. He rightly chastises lefty bloggers for failing to pushback on the wingnut kerfluffle over "Climategate." I have to admit, I've been just as remiss as the A-listers on this score.
Labels: Linkfest
Labels: Art
A) A universally respected musician that has played with the likes of Jimi Hendrix and Etta James;The answer is of course, all of the above and much more. Well worth a read in full.
B) A one-time player on the Kansas Jayhawks basketball team;
C) A liberal d-list blogger’s best friend;
D) The coolest cat you’ll ever know;
E) Long-time Husband to Intervention`s Candy Finnigan
F) All of the above.
Labels: bloggers
A library in Ames, IA will continue to carry Sex, Etc., a magazine comprising sex ed info written by and for teens.And this link to French children's books of the 40s has some stunning graphics.Free copies of a sex-education magazine for teens will still be available at the Ames Public Library despite a petition to have them removed.
The library board voted 6-1 Thursday to continue offering Sex, Etc., which is published three times a year by Rutgers University.
Labels: Linkfest
Labels: Bush Administration, crime, Iraq
Pretty much everyone agrees that the health care legislation now making its way through both houses of Congress would do some things well. It would cover almost all of the roughly 33 million legal residents of this country who now lack health insurance. And a vast expansion of Medicaid, coupled with billions of dollars in subsidies to help low- and middle-income Americans buy insurance, would help ensure that most people end up spending less on their health bills, according to a new analysis by the CBO.Less encouraging is a consenus that reining in the larger forces driving high health costs and delivering more efficient services are falling to special interests. And from what I've had time to read around the internets, the public option is looking more and more like it's either dead or at least far from the formerly popular modifier - robust. Still, if more people are able to get insurance and if they really prevent some of the more egregious practices of private industry, I guess that's better than nothing. Not really sure.
Labels: Congress, Corporatocracy, health care
"Americans for Legal Immigration PAC is withdrawing support for Lou Dobbs after years, including the suspension of websites calling on Dobbs to run for President due to the perceived change in Mr. Dobbs's stances on immigration issues," the organization wrote.The purity test for the crazy base just keeps getting more strict. I would find it amusing that the same people who cry fascism at every opportunity are so intolerant that even one unacceptable remark leads to banishment, except these people are really starting to scare me. I mean, they have guns. Lots of guns. And apparently hair-trigger tempers and no grasp of mercy. Not a comforting combo.
"His recent comments on Telemundo and his national radio show supporting some kind of path to citizenship for illegal immigrants is inconsistent with positions of ALIPAC and the views of most American citizens," William Gheen, a representative of AILPAC also said in the written statement.
In a separate telephone interview with CNN, Gheen said that the group continues to respect Dobbs for helping to highlight the issue of illegal immigration.
But, Gheen added that Dobbs' recent remarks have "just blown everyone's minds" and that the group found itself at an "unexpected impasse" with Dobbs at this point.
"We feel like: Who are you and what have you done with Lou Dobbs?" Gheen explained.
Labels: dangerous idiots, immigration, Wingnuts
Labels: Linkfest
Several years ago, The American Prospect held a "What is Liberalism?" contest. The winner, Todd Washburn, submitted this definition: "Liberals believe our common humanity endows each of us, individually, with the right to freedom, self-government, and opportunity; and binds all of us, together, in responsibility for securing those rights." [...]I'm not convinced the left has ever had a common ideology outside of a very broad based concept of common good, but I think we were better at compromising with each other back in the day. We won a lot of ground then.
It is the progressive movement's commitment to these people -- its base, its core -- that will ensure its long-term survival. If we continue to compromise on the concerns of those people, or dismiss them as "special interests" working against an imaginary greater good, we will ultimately render our shared concept of liberalism totally meaningless. After all, if each group within the coalition is actually just in it alone, what's the point of subscribing to a common ideology at all?
Two sources tell Hotline On Call that former state Sen. Cal Cunningham (D) is set to announce he will run against Sen. Richard Burr (R-NC), reconsidering his earlier decision to drop out of the race.Not that you could necessarily convince the deluded souls around here who don't even know that Hawaii is really part of the United States that Burr has been absolutely useless as a Senator. But a strong challenger with a good PR operation might be able to educate them. One can hope anyway and maybe the Dems could build a strong enough organization out here to get rid of crazy Virginia Foxx too.
"Already, several big-name candidates have declined to challenge Burr, who is running for a second term. Cunningham, an atty and U.S. Army Reserve captain from Lexington, will give Burr a solid, if not top-tier, challenger in '10."
Labels: Congress, NC Politics, Senate