Drafting a solution to the war
by expatbrian
Troops in Iraq. Troops in Afghanistan. Troops in Korea, Japan, Europe, and here at home. Naval vessels patrolling all the major oceans and seas. Air force planes flying surveillance missions all over the world. Coast Guard forces patrolling up and down both coast lines. National Guardsmen serving not only at home but overseas.
Recruiters not meeting quotas. Military service standards being lowered to the point where drug users, criminals and the mentally deficient are readily accepted and given critical assignments not to mention weapons.
Exhausted, psychologically scarred and even wounded soldiers being sent into war zones time and time again. Tours being extended. Men and women forced to spend more and more time away from their families. Startling rates of suicide among those who have given absolutely everything and simply cannot bear to give more.
All of this screams for a reinstatement of the draft. Why, in the face of such an obvious and desperate need are we not relying on the one solution that can ease, if not solve, all of these problems? Why are our leaders, who bellow about supporting our troops, not demanding that we immediately reinstate the draft as we have done so readily before?
Is it because the draft, by definition, might include the sons of wealthy campaign contributors or legislators themselves? Is it because our legislators fear a loss of votes? Is it because our president fears the images of students burning their draft cards on worldwide TV? Is it because he knows that the protests will be so fierce, so vocal and ultimately so violent that that he would rather have our existing forces suffer unimaginable burdens rather than loose more of his imagined credibility?
Is it because he, and everyone in the criminal syndicate he calls his administration, realize that reinstating the draft is the ONE thing that will force the American people to stop listening to his pompous lies and end these wars swiftly? And is it because the Republicans know that, if they are in power when the much needed draft is once again authorized, they will lose any possible chance of winning the election in November?
Is it because we simply cannot afford the cost of a military force large enough to successfully complete his grandiose mission?
Its all of these things. And while this very plausible solution is kept tightly locked away as if it were a contagious leper, our existing forces, undefunded and spread so terribly thin, continue to deteriorate like Jews in a concentration camp.
In the 60's the draft was a part of every young American man's life. We talked about it, worried about it, even laughed about it. We all waited to get our "Greetings" letter from the Selective Service. We were experts on the various deferments that were offered and watched as they were withdrawn one by one. A few burned their draft cards, some even fled the country and fewer still chose jail over military service. But the vast majority of us went when called.
Good or bad, we went because we had to. We, and our parents believed the lies coming out of the White House then. The truth had not yet been revealed. Communism was Satan and it had to be stopped. A half a million troops at a time were needed just in Vietnam and we were still in all of the other places around the world.
It was horrific. It was surreal. It was a slaughter.
I don't have any idea what the "mission" is. But if we are going to stay in Iraq and Afghanistan and all of the other places that we find it necessary to have a military presence, if we really don't have the guts to stand up as a nation and demand an end to this unconscionable nightmare, then at least we must give our troops what they really need - rest, immediate and professional treatment, and adequate, timely replacements. We need the draft. And not one of our leaders has the courage to say it.
cross posted from World Gone Mad

Recruiters not meeting quotas. Military service standards being lowered to the point where drug users, criminals and the mentally deficient are readily accepted and given critical assignments not to mention weapons.
Exhausted, psychologically scarred and even wounded soldiers being sent into war zones time and time again. Tours being extended. Men and women forced to spend more and more time away from their families. Startling rates of suicide among those who have given absolutely everything and simply cannot bear to give more.
All of this screams for a reinstatement of the draft. Why, in the face of such an obvious and desperate need are we not relying on the one solution that can ease, if not solve, all of these problems? Why are our leaders, who bellow about supporting our troops, not demanding that we immediately reinstate the draft as we have done so readily before?
Is it because the draft, by definition, might include the sons of wealthy campaign contributors or legislators themselves? Is it because our legislators fear a loss of votes? Is it because our president fears the images of students burning their draft cards on worldwide TV? Is it because he knows that the protests will be so fierce, so vocal and ultimately so violent that that he would rather have our existing forces suffer unimaginable burdens rather than loose more of his imagined credibility?
Is it because he, and everyone in the criminal syndicate he calls his administration, realize that reinstating the draft is the ONE thing that will force the American people to stop listening to his pompous lies and end these wars swiftly? And is it because the Republicans know that, if they are in power when the much needed draft is once again authorized, they will lose any possible chance of winning the election in November?
Is it because we simply cannot afford the cost of a military force large enough to successfully complete his grandiose mission?
Its all of these things. And while this very plausible solution is kept tightly locked away as if it were a contagious leper, our existing forces, undefunded and spread so terribly thin, continue to deteriorate like Jews in a concentration camp.
In the 60's the draft was a part of every young American man's life. We talked about it, worried about it, even laughed about it. We all waited to get our "Greetings" letter from the Selective Service. We were experts on the various deferments that were offered and watched as they were withdrawn one by one. A few burned their draft cards, some even fled the country and fewer still chose jail over military service. But the vast majority of us went when called.
Good or bad, we went because we had to. We, and our parents believed the lies coming out of the White House then. The truth had not yet been revealed. Communism was Satan and it had to be stopped. A half a million troops at a time were needed just in Vietnam and we were still in all of the other places around the world.
It was horrific. It was surreal. It was a slaughter.
When the lie was revealed, when it became clear that not 3 or 4 thousand, but 58,000 Americans had died for a political lie, the nation finally rose up and demanded that our men be brought home. And they were.
I don't have any idea what the "mission" is. But if we are going to stay in Iraq and Afghanistan and all of the other places that we find it necessary to have a military presence, if we really don't have the guts to stand up as a nation and demand an end to this unconscionable nightmare, then at least we must give our troops what they really need - rest, immediate and professional treatment, and adequate, timely replacements. We need the draft. And not one of our leaders has the courage to say it.
cross posted from World Gone Mad
Labels: Bush Administration, Iraq, military
Really well said Brian. I've been thinking the same thing for a while, but couldn't articulate it properly.
what gives the terrorists more hope than the fact that these guys are on their 3rd and 4th tours? they have no problem filling their ranks, and NO ONE wants to join here. They are giving massive bonuses and lowering standards every five seconds. seriously, how can that be interpretted any other way than that people don't support the war? at least not enuogh to die for it
It's not a war Lester. It's an armed military occupation of a soverign country.
Brian, you have stated what should be the obvious most succinctly. And I believe you are spot on as to why the draft has not been reinstated; as long as this "war" isn't costing the Haves anything, they won't worry about losing any of the Have-Nots. Our military is in such a terrible state, with poverty level wages, no pysch support, repeated deployments that no one wants to join. Compare this to the UK where the Princes proudly serve their country. I imagine they are not having recruitment problems. Time for the neocons to put their sons and daughters where their mouths are.
"the terrorists"
98% are people defending their country against a foreign and infidel invader. They use what weapons they have. Some are willing to die in the process. Millions in exile, millions homeless, uncountable numbers dead and a whole generation ruined and a country in ashes.
Watch that "shock and awe" snuff file again and tell me who the terrorists are.
Do you really lose sleep about Osama? Are you really scared? It's not terrorism without the terror and the only thing I fear is people who fear terrorists and sell my freedom because of it.
THE GOP made no secret of their fear of the draft whenever the Dem's proffered to enact the draft on chamber floors.
Those fears are stll alive and kicking and since they don't have Rove Math doing their equations to hide REAL math, they discovered that the 80 percent of the population AGAINST THE WAR have many, many Republican voters in that math equation and percentages.
McCain is a DRAFT 'em kind of guy if he can figure out why someone is the enemy and borrow a couple maps back from S. Africa, "such as"
Libby, feel free to delete any comments that are from an "anonymous" source, especially if they attack other commenters. I can't find a way to do it myself or I would.
This current 'anonymous' is a young jerk and just doesn't belong in a serious discussion, right or left.
This YouTube video of a British comedy show actually explains the US mission in Iraq quite well. Sadly, there's too much truth in it for it to really be funny.
Done Brian.
Kat! How nice to see you here. Thanks for the link. That's a great one.
Libby said: "Kat! How nice to see you here. Thanks for the link. That's a great one."
*blush* That link you posted today at Newshoggers made it really easy. Sorry I haven't dropped by sooner (still only so many hours in the day), but at least I've now bookmarked The Impolitic.
For anyone interested in a more serious explanation of the US "mission" in Iraq and Afghanistan:
A 7-minute clip about Iraq and oil from Fahrenheit 9/11
Whose Oil Is It, Anyway? -- a March, 2007 article by Antonia Juhasz, author of The Bush Agenda: Invading the World, One Economy at a Time.
10-minute video clip from The Oil Factor on the US's many permanent military bases in oil-rich countries.
(Having a bit of trouble posting this second comment -- forgive me if it ends up double posted.)
my point is that people can't be supporting it very much if they aren't joining up. despite what they say. If I was on the other side, that's how I'd read it.
I know Lester and it's a good point. I'm just on a mission to get people to call it what it is -- an occupation. Calling it war just reinforces the false meme.
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