Friday, January 05, 2007

When Harry met Nancy

This why I'm willing to give the Democratic Party some room to move before I start condoning disrupting their press conferences. Reid and Pelosi came out of the gate with this srong letter to the President urging him to forget about his ill-fated surge. I don't know if it's a new age or not. Frankly I believe it was sent more for show than substance, but I like that they're standing up publicly for a sane approach to Iraq.

I can't say my doubts are particularly assuaged by this. Maybe nobody listened to Harry Reid's speech but he's still majority leader and he's part of the old guard machine.
Reid, a mild-mannered Mormon, consented to not a single party in his honor this week. Instead, he assembled senators from both parties yesterday morning for a private moment of bonding in the Old Senate Chamber. Reid emerged with the minority leader, Kentucky's Mitch McConnell, walking so close together their hands almost touched. "Senator McConnell and I believe this is a new day in Washington," Reid announced.

"I think Harry's got it right," McConnell answered.
Yeah it's a new day but we still got a lot of the same old players back in office and incumbency is still a big part of the problem. They won't give up their cozy little system so easily. Don't get me wrong. I'm glad for the shift and I think the new Congress can't help but be better than the last. Hell they would have to work pretty hard to be worse.

I'm certainly willing to give them time to prove themselves, but I'm not ready to pop the champagne cork to toast the new age of a responsive and competent government just yet.
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Blogger nolocontendere said...

Sadly, Libby, 'sending a letter' to the fascists won't do squat. The scum have repeatedly made no bones about their intentions. The only way to end this nightmare is to cut them off at the knees by refusing to fund their madness except to bring the troops home. They won't stop until they're made to stop. And the only way to do that now is to force the dems to grow some spine.

10:57:00 PM  
Blogger Libby Spencer said...

I agree Nolo and I forsee that the progressives are going to take an aggressive stance with the Dems to get to them to do the right thing but I also think it's unrealistic to expect them to turn on a dime and change everything the minute they walk through the door.

I'm willing to give them a month to show their stuff before I join in the battle. There's something to be said for solidarity and I just don't think piling on immediately, along with the Republicans, is going to serve our long range goals.

10:11:00 AM  
Blogger nolocontendere said...

Well put, things do move glacially in Washington. However Im pretty put off by Pelosi announcing so soon that Bush was off the hook. And some of the incoming dems are obsequious beyond belief.

1:42:00 AM  
Blogger nolocontendere said...

Well put, things do move glacially in Washington. However Im pretty put off by Pelosi announcing so soon that Bush was off the hook. And some of the incoming dems are obsequious beyond belief.

1:43:00 AM  
Blogger nolocontendere said...

Sorry, blogger hiccupped.

1:44:00 AM  
Blogger Libby Spencer said...

Don't get me wrong Nolo. I have great doubts the Dems will come through and expect we are going to have to light a fire under them. I've been disturbed by some of the developments as well that simply shout politics as usual. But then that harks back to my pre-midterm contention that the problem is not so much the parties as it is the incumbents who are simply too corrupt to be redeemed.

9:45:00 AM  

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