Saturday, December 03, 2005

History repeats itself

ExPat Brian points us to a story that was underreported last week. Of course we suspected this at the time, but now we have proof that skewing intelligence to fit the war plans is not a new phenonmenon in our government.

The infamous Bay of Tonkin incident during the Vietnam War was completely false - as in a deliberate lie to justify escalating that conflict. The Bush White House has pushed hard to keep this out of the mainstream news, fearing the inevitable comparisons to the lies that led us to the Iraq occupation. And too many Americans are letting them get away with it.

As Brian puts it, "we have let the administration continue the autrocity, believing all the other lies they tell us. We are a herd of sheep when we should be a pack of wolves." He's right of course but I think there's more howling going on in the US lately than he might be able to hear from way over there in Singapore.

Speaking of which, if you're thinking of touring his lovely city, this week's travel tip is a winner. I want to go here myself.
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Blogger expatbrian said...

Living in a foreign country, especially in Asia, gives me the opportunity to read news about the US with a completely different slant. Instead of reading about how the current policies affect americans, it is more about how those policies affect the rest of the world.

Also, and more importantly, living in Singapore has opened my eyes once again to so many things in american life that we become immune to while living in american cities.

Things like gangs, teenagers with guns, rapes, robberies, murders, missing children, convicted felons getting out of prison early (only to commit more crimes as most do), an out-of-control judicial system, skyrocketing deficits etc.

In America, I became immune to much of that simply because it is so prevelant. Now, living in a peaceful, safe, progressive place, I recognize the situations in America for the nightmares that they really are. My biggest regret is that my kids and their kids will probably end up living in that nightmare for their whole lives.

9:02:00 PM  

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