Friday, September 09, 2005

From the Pentagon to the National Mall - Bush loves a parade

I was hoping our president was capable of least one tiny measure of good taste, respect or even commonsense but once again, my hopes have been dashed. The grotesque parade to celebrate the ill-fated Iraq occupation under the guise of "honoring" the victims of 9/11 will be going forward.

I'm told it's not a parade, it's a walk, a Freedom Walk if want to believe the PR, but a march designed to save Bush's approval ratings is still nothing more a loyalist freak show by any name. "Walkers" are of course going to be screened. Don't expect to get in wearing an Impeach Bush tshirt. Freedom only extends to those who will carry the president's flag to the gates of hell.

Nonetheless, it appears there will be some ringers in the crowd. The Liberal Avenger reports on his inside guy, Rev. Mykeru, who shares the contents of his exciting walker's gift package. The highlight being a set of customized plastic dog tags.

Anybody remember the victims of 9/11 wearing dog tags? Anybody else want to hurl at the sheer tackiness of honoring innocent civilians by glorifying war? Don't you think it's just a little obscene for the Pentagon to be spending millions on this extravaganza while our soldiers in Iraq are underequipped and there's a million newly homeless Americans that need help?
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Anonymous Anonymous said...

Impeach Kathleen Blanco and Ray Nagin also.

9:06:00 PM  

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