Friday, August 12, 2005

White House spin wobbles

No surprises here. The WaPo reports the White House is clueless on what to do about Iraq. Of interest however is this tidbit.
In not-for-attribution comments, some administration officials acknowledge the uphill task. One option that will have to be considered eventually, they say, is amnesty that would forgive even insurgents who have participated in violence. Historically, they note, insurgencies end with some form of amnesty.
You can sure the White House will try to stave off that option until after the midterms in 06. That aside, the money quote in the piece is this.
"The Bush administration has lost control of its public affairs management of this issue," said Christopher F. Gelpi, a Duke University scholar whose analyses of wartime public opinion have been studied in the White House. "They were so focused on this through 2004. . . . I don't know why they've slipped."
Let me guess on that point. Their web of lies has begun to unravel. They can't manage everything at once and they now have to contain the Downing Street Minutes, the Plame leak, fondly known here as Treasongate and Cindy Sheehan, just to name a few pressing matters that are distracting them from spinning Iraq as a success story.

The other major stumbling block is reality has finally set in among the American public. Bush played the mission accomplished card one too many times. The only supporters left are the bought stooges, the inexplicably loyal and the irretrievably gullible.
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