Friday, August 12, 2005

A boy and his bomb

More on the Okie kid who was caught trying to board a plane with a homemade bomb. He's not a threat to National Security because he's been building bombs since he was fourteen and his parents just happen to be friends with former Mayor Kirk Humphries. One would bet his parents probably contribute generously to the GOP as well.

The kid has a terribly reasonable explanation for carrying the bomb around.
Dreyling told agents he had learned how to make homemade explosive devices from websites such as ‘The Anarchist’s Cook Book’. In the affidavit Dreyling explained how he built and detonated several pipe bombs in the past for ‘recreational purposes’.
So the premise is he just forgot he was carrying around with him. He had meant to set it off while on a family vacation and it just slipped his mind.

Seems to me I remember a kid a while back, who was apparently not so well connected, that was arrested just for linking to the Anarchist's Cook Book. However the judge in this case thinks if it's okay with the former mayor, it's okay with him and released the kid to his parent's custody. I suppose since they did such a "good job" in monitoring his activities thus far in life. But it's okay. They can't be dangerous because they're white conservative Christians - right?

Think about it. The kid has making and exploding bombs since he was a teenager. Where were they then?
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