Thursday, August 11, 2005

Let them drink beer

Well here's a Republican who is willing to show some tangible support for the troops. Wisconsin Representative Mark Pettis said "the underage drinking fine for soldiers should be no more than $5."

Currently in Wisconsin, first-offense underage drinking can bring a fine of as much as $500 and could lead to a suspended driver's license.

"Pettis thinks anyone who can be sent to war should be able to enjoy a beer or a shot of liquor." No kidding. Seems like the least they could do for these kids.

Pettis is also the author of a bill that would allow 19- and 20-year-olds in the military to drink legally. But that bill seems unlikely to go anywhere as it could result in the loss of federal highway aid.
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Anonymous Anonymous said...

Beer? I could use a cold one to dull the sobering fact that our country is a mess and it doesn't look like it will improve anytime soon. At least Bush hasn't ruined the simple pleasure of a good beer - yet.

8:00:00 PM  

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