Thursday, August 11, 2005

Comeuppance coming due

This is interesting. In September's issue of Vanity Fair, Michael Wolff will slam the major media for its complicity in allowing Rove to skate when Plame was first outed.
If they had burned this unworthy source and exposed his “crime,” he adds, it would have been “of such consequences that it might, reasonably, have presaged the defeat of the president, might have even—to be slightly melodramatic—altered the course of the war in Iraq.” In doing so they showed they owed their greatest allegiance to the source, not their readers.

...He closes with a frontal blast at the media, many members of which will soon be exposed, he predicts, for having “lined up for these lies” spun by the White House.
And long overdue. It's about time the White House stenos were exposed for what they are - stooges - willing propagandists for an administration that operates with total disregard for the common good.
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