Wednesday, August 17, 2005

The Kelo capers - Adding insult to injury

This is unbelievable.
...while the homeowners were battling in court, New London was calculating how much "rent" they owe for living in the houses they were fighting to save. (The city's development corporation gained title to the homes when it condemned them, though the owners refused to sell and haven't collected a cent.)

The homeowners could soon be served with eviction notices, which is justified by the court ruling. But the rent is something else. For some, it comes to hundreds of thousands of dollars. Kelo, whose name is on the landmark case, could owe $57,000. "I'd leave here broke," she told the Fairfield County Weekly. "I could probably get a large-size refrigerator box and live under the bridge."
They call this "just" compensation? Somebody should be working to condemn the homes of the city officials behind this latest harebrained manuever, a la the proposed land takings in New Hampshire of the Supreme Court justices' properties.
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