Tuesday, August 16, 2005

The real Cindy Sheehan stands up

Tom's Dispatch has the best piece I've seen on Cindy Sheehan so far. A very real and in depth view of the woman outside of the MSM puff pieces that would deify her now, only to take her down at a later date. Tom's notes she swears like a sailor and she's a tough woman. One The Impolitic would be proud to call a friend.
She is as blunt and impolite in her mission as the media is circumspect and polite in its job, as most of the opposition to George Bush is in its "opposition." And it was her very bluntness, her ability to shock by calling things by their actual names, by acting as she saw fit, that let her break through and that may help turn a set of unhappy public opinion polls into a full-scale antiwar movement.
Tom also offers some spot on analysis on how her vigil is impacting the White House and on the debacle of Iraq in general. Worth reading in full.
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