Saturday, June 04, 2005

Pity the poor recruiter

You can be sure they didn't release the military recruiting numbers this month because they're really bad. In fact the DoD just issued an edict forbiding the release of any further numbers without their approval. But once they have you hooked, they're not going to let you go easily.
The US military has stopped battalion commanders from dismissing new recruits for drug abuse, alcohol, poor fitness and pregnancy in an attempt to halt the rising attrition rate in an army under growing strain as a result of the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan.
And forget about getting that raunchy tattoo. That won't help either.
One recruiting standard that was about to be lowered was a rule governing tattoos in the navy and marines. "If you have excessively prominent and vulgar tattoos they will not take you right now, but that is about to change," he said.
In other words, until they resurrect the draft, if you're breathing - you're in the Army now and you're going to stay there.

Update: Lest you think I'm dissing the enlisted men, I'm pulling this out of the comments since Jim M. brings up a good point that speaks for me as well.
I think it's easy to blame the Army for all it's shortcomings, but you shouldn't forget the main thing; the problem is not the military commanders, but the civilian ones. Mr. Bush, Cheney and Rumsfeld and their ilk are directly responsible for breaking the armed forces.

This meaningless war coupled with it's Vietnam-like lack of mission objectives is destroying our troops and their morale just to consolidate the position of the Republican Party.

I love our armed forces and what is being done to them in the name of freedom and patriotism is a crime.

Well said Jim.
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Anonymous Anonymous said...

I think it's easy to blame the Army for all it's shortcomings, but you shouldn't forget the main thing; the problem is not the military commanders, but the civilian ones. Mr. Bush, Cheney and Rumsfeld and their ilk are directly responsible for breaking the armed forces.
This meaningless war coupled with it's Vietnam-like lack of mission objectives is destroying our troops and their morale just to consolidate the position of the Republican Party.
I love our armed forces and what is being done to them in the name of freedom and patriotism is a crime.

6:23:00 PM  

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