Sunday Fun

I grew up watching Sandy Becker's kid show. I have fond memories of playing Simon Says along with the studio audience. I remembered him more as having the "goody two shoes" style of Romper Room than the irreverence of Soupy Sales but this video of out-takes from their pre-taping of commercial breaks just opened my eyes up to a whole new side of him. Hilarious. Had no idea he was so profane.
Can't remember if I plugged my friends Rich and Flo's upcoming segment on Smithsonian TV here or not, but I'm sure I haven't passed on the virtual on-line version of their Museum of Toilet Paper. It's really very cool. Check it out. And while you're there listen to some of their music. They were pioneers in self-marketing their albums on-line.
Okay, I guess this is a little political but in a light way. Short news vid about Detroit's first Medical Marijuana Expo.
Moonbootica passes on a great site about British butterflies. Pretty pictures and good info.
Love this botanical art. If I had a house of my own, I would fill it with artist's renderings like those.
And my new pet. I call him Orville for short. Click to embiggen the photo so you can get a really good look at him.
Late addition: Okay, this is one is political but in a good way. Once you read the Bobblespeak Translations you'll never have to watch the Sunday talk shows live again. This week's transcripts for The Chris Matthews Show and Meet The Press.
Also: From my friend Heretik: Three, Two, One Salsa: three plums, three garlic cloves, two green zebra tomatoes, two sweet onions, juice of two limes, one jalapeno. Yummy, plummy salsa!
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Labels: Linkfest, viral videos
Glad Orville has found you. A dragonfly adopted V4Virginia in our trip to the U.P., seemed to think the aquatic life on her t-shirt was homey.
They do make wonderful pets. High entertainment, low upkeep.
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