God created Martians

Oh, brother. Now I've heard everything.
Father Gabriel Funes, the Vatican's chief astronomer said that life on Mars cannot be ruled out and and that intelligent beings may exist in outer space. And, of course, God created them.
Just as there are multiple forms of life on earth, so there could exist intelligent beings in outer space created by God. And some aliens could even be free from original sin, he speculates.
Huh? Why do they get to be free from original sin? No apple trees on Mars? And if they're created in his image, does that mean they're like us? Do you think one of 'em might be willing to loan me ten bucks?
Asked about the Catholic Church's condemnation four centuries ago of the Italian inventor of the telescope, Galileo, Father Funes diplomatically says mistakes were made, but it is time to turn the page and look towards the future.
Yeah, that whole "center of the universe" mistake was a lulu. Any other mistakes we should know about?
To strengthen its scientific credentials, the Vatican is organising a conference next year to mark the 200th anniversary of the birth of the author of the Origin of Species, Charles Darwin.WTF? So, we were the center of the universe but now we're not. God inspired the writing of the Bible but neglected to mention anything about putting some folks on other planets as well. And now the Catholic church is buddying up with their nemesis, Charles Darwin.
Do they know something we don't or is this the biggest case of Cover Thine Ass that the world has ever seen?
cross posted from World Gone Mad
Labels: dangerous idiots, religion
When "Cover Thine Ass" is raised to special status, it means the process of canonization has begun. Henceforth Saint Cover Thine Ass will be revered as the patron saint of politicians and pundits who have been wronged by Lucifer of Gotcha, the fallen angel of History.
The "misakes were made - time to move forward" argument is catholic in the sense of being universal. Every exposed felon, from Caine to Cheney uses it.
They've been rewriting history since the Gospels were written in the late first Century - why stop now?
They'll probably merge St Charles Darwin with St Francis eventually.
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