Monday, May 12, 2008

Media Bytes - The Sky is a Landfill edition

By Libby

Song in my head by yet another musician that died too young. I'm late again with the Bytes. I was so obsessed with my pre-op appointment today that I could barely settle down to blog yesterday. All I got was a couple of posts up at Newshoggers.

I spent most of today meeting with a small army of doctors who will be slicing and dicing me in a couple of weeks. I suppose I should be grateful that I'm being treated at Duke. It is one of the best hospitals in the country but boy are they slow. Five hours at the doctor's office of which I spent about 30 minutes actually talking to doctors. Filled out a lot of forms though. But enough complaining -- on with the show.

Starting with a little point and click action, the two young superdelegates from the College Democrats of America are asking for advice on who to endorse. You can contact them via any of the means they suggest in the video or email them at and with your thoughts.

We can surely tell them who not to endorse of course. Mr. McNasty is a definite no in November and here's his top 10 out of touch moments for your archives. Keep them handy. We'll be getting around to fighting the GOP instead of each other any day now and you'll need them to remind the deluded why our 'maverick candidate' is as twisted as a cow on loco weed.

And somebody might want to remind Fox that subliminal endorsements work better if they're a little less detectable than this.

Moving right along, no one can accuse SNL of being subtle. Ouch. Those fickle New Yorkers. Guess bitch isn't the new black this week. Personally, although I'm not supporting Clinton, I didn't think this was at all funny.

The Bush family wedding was much more amusing. Watertiger has the pictures from the wedding party to the tacky souveniers being hawked in town to commemorate the big event. Start and the top and keep scrolling. I actually thought Jenna's dress was attractive but the rest of them -- words fail really. Just goes to show that big money can't buy you good taste. Cripes. Laura looks like she shopped at the local Goodwill store for hers.

On the lighter side, here's a little guessing game for you. See if you recognize him without reading the captions. He looks like he's aged beyond the years that passed. I thought that only happened to presidents. Meanwhile, I never in a million years would have guessed who this was but he looks a lot better now. Retirement seems to be agreeing with him.

If you're a fan major syndicated comics this list 'o links covers just about all of them. I was surprised and pleased to find that Alley Oop, Dick Tracy and Prince Valiant are still available on line. They were some of my favs as a kid. I'll bet you'll find your long lost favorites there too.

And for the eye candy, I have a gallery from the art car museum. I particularly liked numbers 5 and 17. I liked this celebrity based art also, although I'm not sure I'd want to own the pieces, they're quite clever.

I'm very sure however, that I would like to be able to balance rocks like this guy. I often have made stacks on the banks of rivers but I've never come close to his style. Pretty amazing.

Finally, speaking of amazing, this is another pastime I enjoyed as a kid, but I never came close to anything like the world's tallest stack of cards. I can imagine how nervewracking it was to put that house together.

[hat tips to Avedon and David Dillard]

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