Monday, May 07, 2007

Give the people what they want

I see the new talking point among the few remaining surge supporters is to claim that the 06 election didn't deliver a mandate from the people to end the occupation of Iraq. The naysayers seem to have been collectively irritated by Frank Rich's column suggesting one exists.

As I pointed out in my Detroit News blog in response to co-blogger George Bullard's identical assertion, I'm willing to concede that 06 didn't deliver a clear mandate on Iraq at the time, although it did clearly deliver a demand for change. However, that was six months ago and the public has received fresh insight into the deceit and wilful incompetence that brought us to this dismal point in history thanks to long overdue Congressional investigations into the White House and the ongoing daily news brings a glaring clarity to the situation on the ground. By any sensible metric, the surge is failing to deliver the promised peace.

However you read the results of 06, today's mandate is clear in the polling. The public has lost confidence in our president and in the administration's policies. Nodody really knows what to do but everyone but the remaining dead ender loyalists are certainly looking for a change and dressing up the latest stay the course strategy with a fancy new slogan just doesn't cut it anymore.

[thanks to The Blog Report for the link]

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Anonymous Anonymous said...

there are still some people who support the surge: al queda. zawahiri said he wants to kill 200 to 300 thosand americans before they leave. That's roughly 400 years of occupation at the current rate

2:32:00 PM  
Blogger Libby Spencer said...

LOL Lester. I caught that one but didn't have a chance to blog it. IN essence Zawahiri is saying he supports Bush's veto.

6:44:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

No much has changed in the Middle East in 2000 years. They exist in close knit clans or tribes and what our government has us embroiled in is a civil war between warring tribes. These people don't have a nationalist mentality and it's not Iraq they fight for but for their own clan. There is no "war" to fight, this is a destabilized country trying to find its own equalibrium. Kind of like playing king of the mountain.

7:04:00 PM  
Blogger Libby Spencer said...

Good point Rocky.

7:57:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

When dealing with nagging but trite issues brought up inadvertently by almost all Repug nincompoops hopelessly attempting a succinct point or purpose, it is important to remind ourselves of the low bar of their limitations not only in their arguments, but the sad failure of even a few neurons firing in there empty Easter bunny hollow chocolate heads. What none of them can articulate on any level above a three year old (Hey kids - No offense!) is just what their simple-minded and vacant jelly bean arguments prove. They don’t even take the trouble to prove any evidence of mental processes. And their ignorance of even a simple understanding off “how things work” not only sticks out like a boehner in the broken lives, dead bodies, and financial ruin of their “policies”, but in addition, just like green plastic hay, they just don’t get it. I mean how stupid do you have to be to think that “Go Daddy” is a request from your father’s urologist?

Lately, there’s been some spouting off from some miserably stupid turds running for the GOP presidential nomination about their disbelief in evolution and why they have to go to bed at 8:30. I would be more apt to believe that the origins of all life could conceivably blossom from the crankcase of an abandoned ’60 Ford Edsel, the cutting edge of a ten year old electric can opener in the back of a Wendy’s, or, given enough heat and pressure, a discarded pack of pink marshmallow peeps before they banned the use of red #16.

What is needed in desperate times like these besides a sense of humor, nose held thusly? Drag there seemingly lifeless puppet drugged bodies around the side of the nearest shitter with the “sanitized for your protection” paper seal still intact, (the seal could never master the balancing of the beach ball on his nose, so therefore could never get stable employment as a product icon for the more successful multinational corporations in the area that sprang up like weeds in your flooded carpet), immerse them in a tub of free courtesy ice (No filling up ice chests please!) whilst they are sound asleep and remove all vital organs and pianos to be sold on the chartreuse market for a mere pittance, in order to further fuel their burgeoning horse substance “problem” (not really a problem – nobody would cry if you rubbed liniment on their naughty bits, now that you ask). Sounds like a fitting way to send them off on something they would truly enjoy: fame, fortune, minor slush fund corruption, senate committee indictments, disgrace, degradation, and a trailer down by the river. And their mothers would be so glad to hear they're moving with a better crowd. Hell, just for fun, do a character search on your local internets for the closest conservative pinhead in your neighborhood and you're bound to find their religious affiliation with Negative Land, their intimate associations with Billy "Fuck" Hargis and his Arizona clan, as the Maltmen will loom large in the House un-American Activities Committee hearings- "Have you ever been a member of the following....", and the worst of it? They'll pull their fishing licenses for indiscriminate use of Olive Potzkies.

8:31:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wow, Carl Gordon, that had to be the longest continuous ad hominem I've ever seen! Hope you didn't chap your fingers on the keyboard with that one.

8:38:00 AM  
Blogger Libby Spencer said...

Carl - that's a hellavu rant.

CStanley - thanks for the help on responding to Carl. I was wondering if it was me or if that was a little over the top.

12:32:00 PM  

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