Friday, May 18, 2007

Conservatism and Fascism

Today on The Daily Dish Andrew Sullivan has up a letter from a reader that describes todays republican right-wing as being fascist. What is even better, Sullivan seems to agree.
This letter falls under the heading of "Damn I wish I had said that!"

What American 'conservatism' has become fits closely within the definition of fascism: an intensely nationalist movement intent on defining membership in the 'nation' on linguistic, religious, and (increasingly) ethnic/racial criteria, accompanied by an unquestioning loyalty to (male) authority, enshrined in family leaders, business leaders, religious leaders, and especially, the leader of the nation, who is seen as embodying the Nation. Loyalty to the Party or Movement and its ideology is of great importance. Violence is the preferred means of accomplishing goals. Diplomacy, compromise, negotiation, are all identified with (feminine) weakness. The rule of law is also despised, because it lacks the immediacy of (violent) action, and its emphasis on balance and its concern with proper procedure is also seen as a sign of (feminine) weakness.

This is the outcome of the bargain the GOP made with the Devil back when it decided to go for the Wallace voters after the ’68 and ’72 elections. Kevin Phillips has repented a hundred times over for counseling the Southern Strategy, but too late. The GOP has discovered that when you sell your soul to the Devil, the only question is when does the Devil come to collect? Well, he's come.

I have said just about everything here, but never put it all together. Yessir, he got it right.

Here's how Sully ended his post referring to the letter writer's last couple of sentences:
And he's brought the waterboard.
Sullivan's big weakness is he likes to to buy things, but he doesn't like to own them. He bought into Bush and the neocons with all he had, but he should have looked under the hood.

Jim Martin

[thanks to The Moderate Voice for the link]

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Anonymous Anonymous said...

when do conservatives use violence to accomplish their goals?

4:45:00 PM  
Blogger Jim Martin said...

Violence is the preferred means of accomplishing goals.
I feel that is an accurate statement.
Certainly on the international stage.
War always seems to be their first option.

4:52:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

What's the GOP response to illegal immigration? Build a damn wall, deport their brown asses home, secure the border!

None of this pussy 'path to citizenship' nonsense.

Fascism is accurate.

How often has the right wing labeled democrats Socialists or commies?

10:48:00 PM  
Blogger nolocontendere said...

I've never understood the reluctance to call the current mob fascists. Just because the usual american buzzwords emanate from their pieholes - democracy, freedom, blah blah doesn't mean they don't fit the definition to a T.
Just because the words fascist or nazi get tossed around too frequently doesn't excuse these criminals for their fascist actions.
They are fascists by what they've done and what their beliefs are. I haven't been shy about calling them what they are and neither should any one else be reluctant to face the facts and use the correct terms.

11:02:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

They may well be fascists but I don't see them using violence to achive their goals. was bill clinton a fascist?

and I'd hardly call securing the border fascist.

9:29:00 AM  
Blogger Jim Martin said...

What the hell does Bill Clinton have to do with any of this?

11:48:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

he bombed or invaded half a dozen countries.

1:57:00 PM  
Blogger Jim Martin said...

Yes, I stipulate that in any future posts on this site that Clinton was just as bad as any low-life right-wing shithead. It doesn't matter how many people in this country or around the world that Bush or his successors fuck over, Clinton was just as bad. Yes, he had sex with that woman. Yes he went into Bosnia without an exit strategy. The situation in Somalia created by George Bush the First was a total disaster for Clinton and the U.S. Thanks to the republicans in congress. I agree, he should have stayed longer, but he had no congressional support.
What else, let's see, I guess he screwed up the Lebanon barracks bombing when he turned chicken and ran, no, that was Reagan.
Whatever, Clinton was just as bad as any incompetent republcan.
So there.

2:36:00 PM  
Blogger Jim Martin said...

Sorry about that last post but you right-wingers have got to stop using the excuse that Clinton did it too.
It's just sad that no matter how low the RFP, that's the Republican Fascist Party, goes the excuse is that Clinton was just as bad.
It's pitiful.

2:42:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm a libertarian, not a right winger really. and my point was only that i don't see that right wingers are particularly violent like, say, muslims. Probably because the few times they have been, like abortion clinic bombings or oklahoma city, it has made it worse for them. has pat robertson beat up anyone lately?

and reagan was right to leave beirut. we never should have been there in the first place.

2:46:00 PM  
Blogger Jim Martin said...

I am truly amazed at how the term right-wing or maybe conservative has morphed into libertarian.
Libertarian is one of those amorphous things. You can't quite get a good consistent definition or put a finger on it.
I've gotten to where when someone tells me he's a libertarian I can see the spot on his bumper where he scraped off the "W" sticker.

2:53:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

here you go

3:31:00 PM  
Blogger Adrian Dobre said...

I am Romanian, and Romania experienced fascism during WW2. And I also studied fascism extensively and american conservatism as well since i am a graduate of political science. What I want to say is the following:

To even attempt a comparison between American conservatism and fascism is one of the most idiotic thing anyone can come up with. If you wanna study the conservative origins of fascism, read Joseph de Maistre and Donose Cortes.

2:34:00 AM  
Blogger Capt. Fogg said...

What you experienced was military aggression and occupation by an already fascist and imperialist and racist country and not the process by which a democracy fell to extremists. Germany would have been fascist had they stayed home and left the Jews alone.

It's that process that has us worried and the parallels are, in my opinion, obvious even if they are far less extreme at this time.

9:41:00 AM  

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