Tuesday, May 15, 2007

Bush finds his fall guy

By Libby

Well whoopee. Bush found his new war czar. He couldn't find a full general willing to take the shaft, but Lt. Gen. Douglas Lute is happy to assume the position. One can't help but wonder why.

Now before the military guys jump all over me, I don't know this guy from Adam's cat and he may well be a good soldier and a fine leader and all of that, but he is hardly a high enough ranking officer with a whole wealth of experience in command to normally get the job. He's jumping to a position where he will outrank all those generals above him. I'm not seeing this as a good thing.

Oddly, there's been an interesting discussion going on along those lines in the comments to Jim's post about trusting the word of those who have something to gain with their opinions. I haven't been able to join in the debate there so I'll ask it here. Can we believe a guy with such a clear interest in agreeing with the administration, much less trust him to make honest impartial decisions?

My gut reaction is I already don't.

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Blogger nolocontendere said...

Lute is a fine, fine choice in keeping with all the rest of the psychopathic war criminals. Back in March he blithely intoned american forces have all the rights to enter Pakistani territory for whatever reason they cared to come up with. Whereupon pissed off Pakistani officials said "WTF? No foreign forces are allowed to cross into our territorial border."
Another splendidly incompetent, arrogant asshole lording over us.

3:04:00 AM  
Blogger Libby Spencer said...

Oh great. Oddly, I also read somewhere last night that he actually came out against the surge and he was for withdrawal back in 05 or something. You have to wonder why the White House chose him and why he would accept under those circumstances. Maybe I'm just cynical but I'm smelling sell out big time.

7:58:00 AM  
Blogger LeftLeaningLady said...

I am confused. A LT General has three stars. A lot of Commanding Officers only have 1 or 2 and some aren't even generals at all.

On a less confusing note, however, I don't trust anyone who would work directly for/with Dubya!

1:24:00 PM  
Blogger Libby Spencer said...

I'm not expert on the ranking system LLL but I'm pretty sure that jumping from a 3 star to outranking all the 5 star generals is pretty damn big leap.

2:16:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

There are currently six four star Generals on active duty in the US Army. There have been only four five star generals in history, the last was Omar Bradley who retired in 1944.

Colin Powell was a three star.

Just FYI.

B Moe

9:19:00 AM  
Blogger Libby Spencer said...

Thanks for the info B Moe. I thought there were more higher ranking generals than that but still I think it's telling that they had to reach down to find someone to take the job.

9:31:00 AM  

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