Monday, May 14, 2007

Bush Makes A Plan

Today Bush went out into the Rose Garden and announced that he wanted federal agencies to start pondering when to maybe think about making a possible plan to implement a feasibility study that may be written in the near or possibly mid and perhaps sometime in the far-flung future concerning vehicle emissions.

Well, it wasn't quite that vague, but pretty close.
The Bush executive order telling several agencies to finish the work by 2008 also said they must take into account the views of the general public, the impact the new rules would have on safety, scientific knowledge, available technology and the cost. Bush's term ends Jan. 20, 2009. "This is a complex legal and technical matter and it's going to take time to fully resolve," he said.
The views of the general public? The impact on safety, scientific knowledge and the cost? Here's a novel approach, why doesn't someone try to be a leader. Oh yeah, Bush doesn't want to lead on this, but that pesky old Supreme Court ruled that something had to be done. So this wishy-washy bullshit was all he could come up with.

There were few details immediately available about how the rules might look, but White House press secretary Tony Snow said Monday that the president's position has not changed.

"The market-based approach seems to work," Snow said. "The question is: do you try to set up a mandatory system or do you try to set up an innovation-based system. The president prefers innovation."

Innovation? Just what would spur innovation? What's the plan? Pray for a miracle?

The key line above is that the president's position has not changed. Of course not, his position has not changed on anything. This is the decider and when he decides on something, he never changes his decision. That would be undecider-like. A decider needs to decide and stay decided.

I guess I'm like that in one area myself. I decided about Bush in 1999 and I have not changed my position one little bit.

Jim Martin

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