The sins of the fathers shall be visited upon the sons...

They consider [W Bush] rather dismissive of the group's conclusions, issued yesterday, which include the view that current Iraq policy is failing.
..."We have a classic case of circling the wagons," says a former adviser to Bush the elder. "If President Bush changes his policy in Iraq in a fundamental way, it undermines the whole premise of his presidency. I just don't believe he will ever do that."
White House advisers say Bush won't react in detail to the ISG report for several weeks, while he assesses it and awaits various internal government reports on the situation from his own advisers. Bush tells aides he doesn't want to "outsource" his role as commander in chief. Some Bush allies say this is a way to buy some time as the president tries to decide how to deal with rising pressure to alter his strategy in Iraq and hopes the critical media focus on the Iraq war will soften.
I don't know about you but this scares the bejebus out of me. How out of touch is this? The media focus runs with public sentiment and even the loyal are jumping ship. Self serving Pentagon statements are only going to piss people off more.
Bush the son is no longer looking at all decisive. He justs looks like an arrested adolescent that's too stubborn to admit he made a mistake.
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