Friday, September 09, 2005

For whom the buoys toll

So let me get this straight. WaPo reports Brownie has been "punished" by being yanked out of the hell of New Orleans and sent to his air conditioned quarters in DC in order to figure out how to spend the $61 billion in relief funds that was just appropriated.

Meanwhile two weeks later and the body-recovery operation is just being started, "amid indications that the death toll may not be as high as previously feared." Give me a break. After two weeks the bodies are fish food, if not eaten by rats and alligators. They had tides going in and out of the city for over a week. Of course the bodies aren't there.

Anybody else thinking there may have been a method to the mad mayhem of evacuation? Families ripped apart, sent all over the country without being told where they were going. The only way they're finding each other is through CNN. How many months before the missing will be declared dead with that kind of bureaucracy - conveniently making it old news? I think the death toll will never really be known.

I'll give the administration that much credit. Nobody hides their dead like they do.
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Blogger No Blood for Hubris said...

Gee, would that be "not higher" because they've waited so long that the bodies have decomposed?

Just asking.

I like that they treat them all like roadkill.

Oh, and that some of the officers are shooting actual live dogs into order to create more roadkill, as if there isn't/aren't enough, which there are.

10:51:00 PM  

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