Sunday, August 07, 2005

You have to wonder

I'm just back from my trip and I'm done for the night. However, after I posted on this in Detroit tonight, I thought of a question.

Why is our President taking a five week vacation when we're at war? I mean how is the average American supposed to take it seriously when the guy in charge is holding fundraising barbecues? And the irony of his eating seared flesh to raise the funds to stay in power is almost too much to stomach.

Is this how our other "war presidents" conducted themselves?
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Blogger Kevin McKague said...

And the irony of his eating seared flesh to raise the funds to stay in power is almost too much to stomach
Do I hear evidence of another vegetarian out there? Best wishes from the five veggies in my house to yours.

I just finished a discussion about W.'s long vacation with a friend. On the one hand, I am aware that he has his entire team with him down there in Texas, and that he will be working just as much as in D.C. It is troubling, however, that he is comfortable with the image of him riding around his ranch on the news while troops are dying in Iraq.

My friend and I came to the same conclusion: Rove and company know that we will be bothered by this, but are doing it on purpose. They know that our discomfort with his vacation is a lot more easy to comprehend for the average network news viewer than the discomfort they feel with other problems, traitorgate, for example, and it will quickly replace it in their minds, and the minds of T.V. news producers, as the preoccupation of the moment. The administration is distracting the mainstream media with another shiny object to stare at for a while.

11:39:00 PM  
Blogger AbbaGav said...

True war presidents eat the flesh raw.

One veggie in our house, although she is only 6 and believes that chicken soup is vegetarian (we don't correct her on that since she doesn't eat much protein). Guess we're not really very veggie.

8:18:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm actually not a veggie anymore although I was for several years. I don't eat a lot of flesh myself but I an omnivore.

For me the irony is in the analogy of eating seared animals while human beings are being equally barbecued by bombs on a daily basis in Iraq.

2:07:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Don't be silly. We are not at war, we are involved in a military conflict.

Only Congress can declare war, and they haven't. So we can't be at war.

The constitution says so.

10:41:00 PM  

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