Friday, August 05, 2005

Can Republicans end the occupation?

Will the pressure of the midterms in 06 do what the anti-war left so far has been unable to do? As 06 approaches, Republicans are understandably nervous about their own seats, particularly with public opinion turning against the occupation.
The war will be a major factor in the 2006 midterm congressional races and could be one in the 2008 presidential race, said Stephen Cimbala, a Pennsylvania State University political scientist who has studied the impact of wars on American politics.

"If you look at it from a Republican point of view, by the 2006 congressional elections, you're going to want to have a timetable in place for withdrawal of U.S. forces and their replacement by Iraqis. And by the fall of 2008, you will want to have most U.S. forces out of there," Cimbala said.
For myself, I'll take the desired outcome anyway we can get it. The important thing is to end the slaughter and bring the troops home.
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Anonymous Anonymous said...

Bush WILL NOT bring the troops home. What you will see is those Republcan Reps that are in jeopardy distancing themselves from Bush.
They will do this with his blessing.
Bush will not back down, he will not let reason prevail. Everything he has is riding on a spinnable outcome in Iraq.
Besides, most of these gerrymandered seats are safe. These elected thieves have consolidated their power and it will take something huge to get them out.

7:19:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

This is just more spin from the Bush administration. I read the military is building 14 permanent bases in Iraq, so how can they say our troops are coming home?

10:33:00 AM  

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