Tuesday, August 09, 2005

Cindy Sheehan speaks for herself

She claims her diary at Kos is not artful but it brought tears to my eyes to witness her courage and determination. It felt downright poetic to me. An excerpt:

In the early afternoon, we got word that if we were still there by Thursday, we were going to be deemed a "security threat" to the president. Condi and Rummy are coning in on Thursday for a "policy" meeting. Don't they mean conspiracy to commit crimes meeting? I just don't understand why we will be a security threat on Thursday when we aren't now? If we don't leave on Thursday, we will be arrested. Well, I am not leaving. There are only three things that would make me leave: if George comes out and talks to me; if August comes to an end, or if I am arrested.

People are heading here from all over the country. I have some more Gold Star Families for Peace members coming tomorrow. We are amazed by the outpouring of love and support we are getting. If you can come, then come. 62% of the American public are against this war and want our troops home. We need to show the media that we are in the majority. We need to show George Bush and his evil cabal of neocons that when we say "bring the troops home, now" we mean "bring the troops home, now!!!"

If there was any way I could possibly ditch my responsibilities here and be there, you can bet I would heading to Crawford as you read this.

The best I can do at this moment is say thanks Cindy. I'm with you in spirit and every American who cares about truth owes you a debt of gratitude.
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