Monday, June 06, 2005

Democracy is so untidy

There been a deafening silence from the blogging for Bush crowd on the election in Lebanon. Reuters reports,
Hizbollah's big win at the ballot box in south Lebanon will bolster its determination to keep its weapons in the face of international pressure to disarm, senior pro-Syrian leaders said on Monday.
How about that? Bush's master plan to spread freedom and democracy is working. The people have spoken in free elections and we helped them do it. Hizbollah wins! Hizbollah, a US named terrorist group, is declaring a mandate (with 80 percent of votes) and they hate us. Hell, they hate just about everybody - except for those rumored connections to Iran.

Now it's not over, more districts have to vote and chances are they won't control the government, but they will present a formidable challenge to anyone who tries to control them. Another recipe for civil war if you ask me.

Meanwhile, The Poor Man finds some parallels between the budding Lebanese theocracy and our own made in the USA zealots. But this is the money quote.
Now, I must admit that I’m not particularly concerned about this development, as Beruit was never very high on my list of honeymoon destinations; and as Lebanon is not a place I want or need to visit, and, indeed, isn't even on the way to anyplace I would care to go. So I wish Hezbollah and Lebanon the very best of luck together, and I sincerely hope that whatever bearded, America-hating theocracy they set up is the best bearded, America-hating theocracy it can be. These wishes are sincere, and I hope it doesn't take anything away from them to say that I don't consider the creation of even the best of all possible bearded, America-hating theocracies worth one drop of American blood, or one dime of American money. But I have always detested freedom.

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