Sunday, June 05, 2005

Another voice for impeachment

Robert Shetterly has a good opinion piece in the Bangor News on why the administration's offenses are impeachable. Here's the money grafs.
Richard Nixon was impeached for a cover-up of a two-bit break-in. William Cohen, a young Maine Republican, played an important role for the prosecution in those proceedings. Bill Clinton was impeached for lying about sex with an intern. Now we have the irrefutable evidence that George W. Bush lied about the reasons for taking the United States to war. The intelligence wasn't flawed. The weapons weren't hidden. Our elected leaders were lying.

...We live a lie when we fail to hold leaders accountable for their lies. By not calling now for impeachment, we are saying that we condone hypocrisy, pseudo-democracy, and murdering thousands of Americans and Iraqis for strategic control of energy resources that we have no right to. Patriotism demands that we insist on the ideals of democracy, not that we support the "leaders" who cynically destroy them.
Shetterly wonders why his Congressmen and Senators haven't done their duty and taken the steps necessary to start impeachment proceedings against the entire administration. I don't wonder about mine. My senator is currently Elizabeth Dole. Think I'll ask her anyway.
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