Journalism is dead - Part Gazillion

The November election swept Republicans out of power in Congress and signaled that voters are deeply unhappy about the course of the Iraq war. The asterisk is Lieberman, who won a fourth term in an antiwar state with strong support from Republican and unaffiliated voters.I call major bullshit on that. Number one, the RNC put the full force of their machine behind SchloJoe and he owes the White House big time, so let's drop the farcical independent appelation, can we? Furthermore, he spent the whole bloody campaign avoiding the issue of the Iraq war and clearly implied that he expected us to be withdrawing sooner than later. If he had his head any further up the president's butt, he'd have to learn to breathe crap instead of oxygen.
That has given Lieberman a mandate to be the man in the middle, an essential player to both parties while beholden to neither. Lately he has dropped the "Democrat" half of his affiliation, describing himself at the Friday event merely as an independent.
Maybe he already has. He clearly spews enough of it.
UPDATE: I've been accused in comments of anti-Semitism for using the word SchloJoe. Is SchloJoe an ethnic slur? I thought I made it up in honor of old aquaintance that screwed a lot of friends out of money. We called him SchloMo. He wasn't Jewish either.
I certainly don't hate Jews. I do hate hypocrites and crass opportunists and I put Lieberman squarely into that category along with my old false friend SchloMo. However, if my Jewish friends find that word offensive, I would certainly apologize.
"SchloJoe"? Why don't you just let your anti-Semitism hang all the way out and call him a kike?
The American Left: Hating Anyone Who Thinks Different Than Them Since 1967!
I don't hate Jews RWR. I hate hypocrites and crass opportunists.
Is SchloJoe an ethnic slur? I thought I made it up in honor of old aquaintance that screwed a lot of friends out of money. We called him SchloMo. He wasn't Jewish either.
See what mr. Freedman has to say about anti-semitism.
Thanks for the link Romunov
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