Wednesday, September 02, 2009

Hate mail of the week

Sorry I'm not posting. I used up shoulder mobility at DetNews today. For some reason John LaPlante was posting up a storm and needed debunking. Weird he never posts and must have put up 6 anyway. Don't know if it's the general rightwing panic I've been seeing around or if he got nervous because they dropped another long term blogger. Anyway, click on the link at the bottom to see what I've been doing.

Meanwhile, this comment was rather hilarious in response to someone's suggestion they ignore me and maybe I'll go away.
No she wouldn't. Liberals love the sound of their own voices. How do you explain MSNBC. Their national ratings amount to 1/2 the size of Detroit. They are still on the air. If we allow them to spread their lies unfettered, they win. The people who vote for them are celebritards and uneducated people. We need to educate the masses on their atrocities. They propagate the lie that they are for minorities. But they just want to keep them poor in a welfare state and keep their vote. They invent this global weather crisis to cripple our economy. Because it isn't fair that we are the best? They want everyone to be equal, just with different standards for certain groups of society?

rsdemers, Macomb, MI
The crazy is reaching such a fever pitch this week, I'm worried about what these people are going to do when they pass health care reform.

[More posts daily at The Detroit News]


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