Monday, February 09, 2009

They really do create their own reality

The cognitive dissonance of those who pass as conservatives these days, never fails to astound.

The TARP bailout and the stimulus bill are two completely different items. If you aren't paying enought attention, and too many Americans aren't, you wouldn't figure it out by reading Bloomberg, who aided and abetted by that sludge Drudge are conflating the two.

I don't necessarily think it's a good sign when Arlen Spector supports something. If memory serves, it's often the kiss of death for something good and breathes life into that which should remain buried.

If this Rasmussen poll is a true reflection of what the public is thinking, then there's no clearer indication that the GOPers have poisoned our political discourse with their self-serving sloganery and outright lies. I don't know whether to be more angry at the GOPers and 'centrists' for so wantonly selling out the common good for political gain, or the American people for being so easily fleeced, out of a failure to educate themselves on the facts.

And all us DFHs have been saying this forever, but Anonymous Liberal phrases it really well this morning.
To use a poker analogy, the Republican party is led by people who routinely bluff on bad hands and are always willing to go all-in. The Democrats are led by people who routinely fold when they have weak hands and generally lack the courage to call bluffs or go all-in, even when they have strong hands.
If we're ever going to "change the way DC works" the Dems are going to have to learn to lead instead of rolling over to show their belly to the alpha dog who is now too old and toothless to do them any damage anymore.

[More posts daily at The Detroit News.]

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Blogger Cosa Nostradamus said...

Polls are total BS. I know. I used to do them. Look how wrong they always are, when the shake-out comes. Bottom line: The Republicans have re-identified themselves with failure and a bad economy. People want something DONE, and the 'Pukes are in the way. Everybody sees that.

Now we just have to get rid of those DINOs. Campaign 2010, boys & girls! It starts today.

12:52:00 PM  
Blogger Libby Spencer said...

Amen Cosa. Throw all the bums out.

1:13:00 PM  

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