Saturday, January 10, 2009

Media Bytes - Let me entertain you edition

Song in my head. I loved Natalie Wood. [via]

Via mikevotes, a few items worth reading that don't require a whole lot of commentary. Apparently there's no IQ test to become a pirate. All that work and nothing to show for it but a very bad ending.

The ME is exploding, the economy is tanking, Bush deploys to a Philly grammar school for Operation Rewrite. And nobody cares.

I'm conflicted about Obama's train tour. I think the idea of bringing the event to the people and the historic throwback is pretty neat but the security concerns are a little troubling and it might make more sense if he wasn't in DC already. On the other hand, it symbolizes a kind of bravery in the face of "teh terrorist threat" that I think is healthy and much needed after 8 years of fear mongering.

Mike also has the best commentary on Blago I've seen yet.

This reminds me of all those get rich quick dreams I saw in Atlanta when they hosted the Olympics. Few got rich there either.

I hardly know what to say about the unveiling of the official Bush china service less than 2 weeks before they leave office. Putting the cost aside, since it was paid for privately, and overlooking how ugly it is, it seems kind of arrogant to saddle the incoming First Family with their taste in home furnishings. Not to mention, what makes them think anyone will want to remember these years? Via DR where they have better photos.

Quote of the day by Steve Simels:
If we've learned anything since Watergate, it's that the wages of sin in this country are basically a fat book deal and a job on television.
And lastly, via Avedon, a very short clip. A battle of wits between the Coultergeist and Al Franken. I'm sure you can guess who won.

[More posts daily at The Detroit News.]

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Anonymous Anonymous said...

You saw the pirate story, too? They don't make pirates like they used to.

BTW, are newshoggers really neo-totalitarians? In a related query, is there really such a thing as a neo-totalitarian?

6:14:00 PM  
Blogger Libby Spencer said...

DLB, yeah in the old days the pirates fought over the loot AFTER they escaped.

You having a problem with the Newshoggers?

8:18:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sorry, I had to stop back over here to clear that up. I don't know enough not to read posts at AmPower. It was meant as a joke. It fell flat.

9:04:00 PM  
Blogger Libby Spencer said...

OH. I don't read the donald so I didn't get the reference. Now that I do, it's actually a funny joke.

10:17:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I try to approach his site as a parody. I'm, for the most part, managing to look without touching. The slime comes off hard.

What gets me, beyond the pro-war, pro-torture stuff, is the total disrespect for what words mean. I'm pretty sure that Obama is not a Stalinist. The Donald really should have a principle named after him like Godwin.

Have you heard from my fellow swamp traveller, Repsac? His blog has been quiet of late.

5:54:00 AM  
Blogger Libby Spencer said...

No, I haven't seen repsac in a while. Hope he (she?) is okay.

9:58:00 AM  

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