Thursday, April 24, 2008

Republicans have a problem

By Libby

Well here's a little good news for a change. The stupid primary isn't the only game in town and in Mississippi a Democrat won the first round of the contest that normally would have gone hands down to a Republican.
Democrat Travis Childers finished with 49% of the vote in last night's special election, Republican Greg Davis 46%, and the remainder going to the defeated candidates from the primaries for the regular election in November, plus third-party candidates. Without anybody getting 50% of the vote, this goes to a runoff in three weeks.

Both Childers and Davis are strong social conservatives, so it might be useful to look at the major issue dividing them: Iraq, with Childers supporting a timetable for withdrawal and Davis in favor of staying.

Even though the media ignores it and does it best to keep pimping the warmongering talking heads with their rosy scenarios of victory around the corner, even in the reddest district that fully supported Bush in 04, the Republican lost. Chances look good that an anti-occupation Democrat will end up with the seat. It looks like the even the loyalist GOPers are wising up. Between the occupation and the economy, everybody is ready for a change. This can only bode well for November.


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