Thursday, February 07, 2008

Nixon Redux

By Capt. Fogg

Has Willard Milton Romney just had his Richard Milhous Nixon moment? I find it hard to be sad that, as much as I would like to drop kick his plastic ass through the goal posts of hell, I won't have him to kick around any more. In fact by claiming that he's only "suspending his campaign" in order to avoid "aiding a surrender to terror" I'm led to suspect that he's still hoping he'll be begged to return or perhaps that his rhetoric is carefully chosen to cover what is, after all, a surrender.

At any rate his suggestion that somehow the opinion of three quarters of his would-be constituents is beyond his powers of condescension and getting us out of the mess Bush created is "surrender" is enough to exclude him from consideration. We don't need another jingoistic cheerleader urging us toward divine destruction and the only thing that terrifies me is another Republican having more than the job of sweeping the White House floor.

I've heard quite enough of the "If Hillary gets in" ghost stories in barber shops and yacht club dinners to hope that she's elected by an avalanche and the stupid little nose picking snickerers reminded that it's not the "libs" or the "surrender monkeys" that put her there but a fed-up public that's voting against the theft, the lies, the incompetence, graft, nepotism and the slaughter of innocents that Romney and his heretofore running mates all support.


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Anonymous Anonymous said...

I don't understand the "suspension" thing or the "surrendering to terror" thing at all. most confusing speech of 2008 thusfar. suspending till when? surrendering to terror by stopping mcain from ...wha??

2:14:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I am amazed at McCains resurging popularity. It must be because he is the closest thing to being Bush. At this point, as much as I prefer Obama over Hillary, I'm ready to support whichever one has the best chance of beating the repubs. ANY democrat is better than the very best republican as far as the next pres is concerned. I'm worried.

5:37:00 PM  
Blogger Capt. Fogg said...

I don't understand either, but I think that maybe it wasn't just a Nixon speech, but a Nixon descent into madness.

Maybe he just started looking at the cost of this whole thing, but who knows?

5:38:00 PM  
Blogger Libby Spencer said...

He's a businessman. I think he saw the future and it wasn't cost effective to run a losing campaign. I think he expected to find the crossover appeal that McCain seems to have, not to mention a compliant press. I think outside of Hugh Hewitt, the media doesn't like Romney and never really did.

7:31:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

why qualify it with a bunch of stuff. just drop out. like folks

11:02:00 AM  

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