Wednesday, June 20, 2007

U.S. Men Not Measuring Up

There is a nasty report going around the men in the U.S. are coming up short. Well, I know I don't have a problem.
New research shows that Americans are coming up short, but not in terms of money or lifestyle. Our growing problem is with our height.
The study, conducted by the University of Munich and Princeton University, found that the United States had the shortest population in the industrialized world, and the reason may have to do with the way people live.
The reasons stated seem to me to be a little farfetched.
Researchers said that one reason for Denmark's high ranking could be that the Danish health-care system provides better care to children when they are young, the time of life when most growing takes place.

Another reason for our lag might be the American diet, which is filled with fast food. Overeating can cause kids to produce too many growth hormones too early, which halts growth at a younger age.

I hate to sound like Newt Gingrich and Pat Buchanan, but I think it's because of all the immigrants. Damn that's very un-liberal of me but have you looked at how short all these Mexicans are? How the hell are we supposed to compete against all those Scandinavians and Dutchmen with all of those Viking genes?

I'm 6'8" but all it takes is one diminutive immigrant, legal or illegal, to drop the two of us below the European standard. Damn!


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Blogger Capt. Fogg said...

In the natural state, those living in harsh environments without a limitless abundance of food tend to be smaller. They are less vulnerable to famine, predators and temperature extremes.

When the world goes all to hell, it will be us short people who survive.
(just joking)

But of course you're right. Different parts of the US have different average heights. I feel like Sleepy the Dwarf in Minneapolis, but in Florida I seem to be about average. That argues for genetics, as you say.

4:54:00 PM  
Blogger Jim Martin said...

I feel like a giant everwhere and would love to be 5'10".
Nothing fits, clothes, furniture, cars. It was great for sports and it paid for my education, but I hurt all over. The strain on my joints because of my height is not a good thing.

4:58:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

most people who read the title thought this was about something else

4:04:00 PM  
Blogger Jim Martin said...

I got you to read it Lester.

5:36:00 PM  

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