Saturday, June 09, 2007

How the internet will change the race in 08

By Libby

What does the new Creationist Museum and the owner of a sex site have to do with the presidental race in 08? Well, nothing and everything. On it's face, this story has nothing to do with politics.
COLUMBUS, Ohio -- The man who plays Adam in a video aired at a Bible-based creationist museum has led a different life outside the Garden of Eden, flaunting his sexual exploits online and modeling for a clothing line that promotes free love.

After learning about his activities Thursday, the Creation Museum in Kentucky pulled the 40-second video in which he appears.

"We are currently investigating the veracity of these serious claims of his participation in projects that don't align with the biblical standards and moral code upon which the ministry was founded," Answers for Genesis spokesman Mark Looy said in a written statement.

The actor, Eric Linden, owns a graphic Web site called Bedroom Acrobat, where he has been pictured, smiling alongside a drag queen, in a T-shirt brandishing the site's sexually suggestive logo.
You're probably thinking so what? A two-bit actor in a 40 second video gets caught with his pants down, so to speak, but that is the point. Why did this even cross the radar screen? It's the bloggers and internet activists' effect on the 24/7 news cycle.

For all the talk about how bloggers are merely riding the coattails of the MSM, in reality it's more like a race. The bloggers are beginning to edge forward and are slowly forcing the old guard media into rediscovering their job description.

There are over 50 million blogs competing for the eyes and ears of the same audience. At any given moment, 18.6 posts per second are being uploaded which apparently adds to about 1.6 million postings per day. Granted most of it is garbage or information only interesting to a small audience but at least tens of thousands of those blogs are posting regularly and operated by politically aware individuals looking to break through the noise with a big scoop.

Chances are the AP reporter picked up the tip from some low level local blogger who took the time to research the videos. You'll never know because they won't credit the source but it seems to me to be more likely than that the AP person would take the time to do that kind of work. But the point is that it's difficult to imagine the actor would have been found out, even as little as five years ago.

In 06 we saw the first glimpse of how this phenomenon plays out in the political arena. Bloggers and activists flexed their keyboards and discovered they have muscle. In 08, they will discover they have power. It's these many thousands of reporters scrutinizing the archives and analyzing the minutia that keeps the fire burning under the politician's feet and sheds light into the dark recesses of the process.

No inconsistency will be left uncovered and candidates will be called to account. The days of rhetoric conveniently tailored for one target audience, only to be contradicted at the next campaign stop to another, are over. The politicans will still be able to run, but with so many new eyes watching their every move, there's no where left to hide.

(Thanks to The Moderate Voice for the link.)

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