Monday, January 01, 2007

Blogged elsewhere

The usual suspects pissed me off this morning, but I don't feel like rewriting what I posted this morning at the Detroit News so click over if you want to know what I think about the wingnuts unseemly rush to minimize Iraqi war dead. Too bad these guys aren't supporting the war by putting their own sorry butts on the front lines instead of dismissing the number of brave soldiers who died as inconsequential.

On a different note, Scott Ott is unquestionably a conservative with whom I often disagree but I came to love his work and respect the man when he was a co-blogger in Detroit. I think he's one of the best satirists around and he's not afraid to skewer the Rightopians when they really deserve it. He posted an uncharacteristically long and non-starical piece that you can access at Scrappleface unplugged. I don't agree with it but I thought he made one really good point.

And finally, if you somehow missed this poll, you might be interested to know that Bush beat Satan as America's choice for number one villian of 06.
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