Monday, January 01, 2007

No support for surge in Senate

Well the president may be "mishearing" the public's outcry against a surge in Iraq, but most of the embattled Senators of his party aren't going to play along, now that they no longer own the ball. Outside of the hapless McCain and a reported gang of 12, which includes alleged Democrat Joe Lieberman, nobody feels like sending a few thousand more soldiers to provide target practice for the opposing factions in Iraq's civil war. The Senators appear to be hearing the people loud and clear.
Even in Mississippi, the reddest of red states, where Bush's approval rating has just inched above 50 percent, Republicans see no public support for more troops.
It's a whole new game folks. All those GOPers who barely held onto their seats in the midterms aren't going to be joining the team this time around. I think 07 is going to be a very interesting year.
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